Re: WebCatalog can't find database

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numero = 10269
interpreted = N
texte = >>I'm trying to implement a site on the WebCatalog 2.0 beta, but I cannot >>get the CGI to find the database file. > >I forgot to ask -- are you accessing the templates using WebCatalog as an >ACTION, or directly using CGI-style? > >I found a bug in b8 today that causes CGI-style to not find templates or >databases. > >1) /webcatalog/classifieds.tmpl works >2) >/webcatalog/webcatalog.acgi$showpage?template=/webcatalog/classifieds.tmpl >does not > >I should have a fix out soon. The workaround for now is to use >ACTION-style commands.I switched everything over from CGI-style commands to ACTION-style commands, so I've added .tmpl suffixes to all my forms, and I've changed all the template references in the forms to work with ACTION-style commands. I'm not using any CGI-style commands anymore, because the new format is a lot easier to deal with ... and it's going to make it possible for me to switch from the CGI to the plugin if I need to, without making any changes in my forms, right?Sincerely, Ken Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCatalog can't find database (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: WebCatalog can't find database (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. Re: WebCatalog can't find database (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  4. Re: WebCatalog can't find database (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: WebCatalog can't find database (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  6. Re: WebCatalog can't find database (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  7. WebCatalog can't find database (John Winningham 1997)
>>I'm trying to implement a site on the WebCatalog 2.0 beta, but I cannot >>get the CGI to find the database file. > >I forgot to ask -- are you accessing the templates using WebCatalog as an >ACTION, or directly using CGI-style? > >I found a bug in b8 today that causes CGI-style to not find templates or >databases. > >1) /webcatalog/classifieds.tmpl works >2) >/webcatalog/webcatalog.acgi$showpage?template=/webcatalog/classifieds.tmpl >does not > >I should have a fix out soon. The workaround for now is to use >ACTION-style commands.I switched everything over from CGI-style commands to ACTION-style commands, so I've added .tmpl suffixes to all my forms, and I've changed all the template references in the forms to work with ACTION-style commands. I'm not using any CGI-style commands anymore, because the new format is a lot easier to deal with ... and it's going to make it possible for me to switch from the CGI to the plugin if I need to, without making any changes in my forms, right?Sincerely, Ken Kenneth Grome


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