[WebDNA] [lookup] fails when using [url] to wrap a value for potential "&" char?

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numero = 103229
interpreted = N
texte = I am really surprised to see this behavior: This: [lookup db=^db/aaa.db&lookInField=bbb&value=[URL][ccc][/ URL]&returnField=ddd¬Found=eee] returns: eee But this: [lookup db=^db/ aaa.db&lookInField=bbb&value=[ccc]&returnField=ddd¬Found=eee] returns: the value I expect (the value for [ddd] in the found record). So then won't the latter (working) lookup break when the 'bbb' field may contain an "&" char (when we don't use [url])?! I can work around with [search].. but what if I need the speed of the [lookup]? -- Can anyone confirm this? Comment? -John Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] [lookup] fails when using [url] to wrap a value for potential "&" char? (John Butler 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] [lookup] fails when using [url] to wrap a value for potential "&" char? (John Butler 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] [lookup] fails when using [url] to wrap a value for potential "&" char? (Brian Fries 2009)
  4. [WebDNA] [lookup] fails when using [url] to wrap a value for potential "&" char? (John Butler 2009)
I am really surprised to see this behavior: This: [lookup db=^db/aaa.db&lookInField=bbb&value=[url][ccc][/ URL]&returnField=ddd¬Found=eee] returns: eee But this: [lookup db=^db/ aaa.db&lookInField=bbb&value=[ccc]&returnField=ddd¬Found=eee] returns: the value I expect (the value for [ddd] in the found record). So then won't the latter (working) lookup break when the 'bbb' field may contain an "&" char (when we don't use [url])?! I can work around with [search].. but what if I need the speed of the [lookup]? -- Can anyone confirm this? Comment? -John John Butler


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