Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why?

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numero = 104441
interpreted = N
texte = > What about the [tcpconnect] outside the loop, and the [tcpsend] > inside? instead of opening 10,000 connections, it would just open one? I tried that too but I got no response at all using that approach. I wish it had worked because it would have been a more efficient way to collect the required data, assuming the server didn't terminate the connection early because of so many similar requests. The only reason I can think why this didn't work is that one of the tcpsends did not get a response so all the others after that were not sent ... and perhaps this prevented the tcpconnect from terminating ... ? Unfortunately this does not explain the lack of writing to the database for the tcpsends that actually got a response, because the replace context was inside the loop along with the tcpsend code. So I'm thinking that there may be a memory leak or some other type of bug in tcpconnect or tcpsend or loop that caused this particular problem. I really don't understand why webdna failed to write to the db when I set the number of iterations to 10,000 and I cannot explain why the network activity continued (which means data was being received) but the database writing failed. This is the the mystery that bothers me more than anything else because it suggests a bigger underlying problem that may be unusually difficult to diagnose. > The timeout is definitely a good idea and will be available next version. Thanks for acknowledging that a tcpconnect timeout is a good suggestion. The more we have to integrate our websites with other sites the more we have to use tcpconnect, and the more this problem will crop up in the future without a timeout. :) Sincerely, Kenneth Grome Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? ( 2010)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? ( 2010)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Christer Olsson 2010)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? ( 2010)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? ("Psi Prime Inc, Matthew A Perosi " 2010)
  10. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Brian Fries 2010)
  12. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  13. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Govinda 2010)
  14. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  15. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Stuart Tremain 2010)
  16. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  17. Re: [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Stuart Tremain 2010)
  18. [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
  19. [WebDNA] Some code inside a large loops fail ... but why? (Kenneth Grome 2010)
> What about the [tcpconnect] outside the loop, and the [tcpsend] > inside? instead of opening 10,000 connections, it would just open one? I tried that too but I got no response at all using that approach. I wish it had worked because it would have been a more efficient way to collect the required data, assuming the server didn't terminate the connection early because of so many similar requests. The only reason I can think why this didn't work is that one of the tcpsends did not get a response so all the others after that were not sent ... and perhaps this prevented the tcpconnect from terminating ... ? Unfortunately this does not explain the lack of writing to the database for the tcpsends that actually got a response, because the replace context was inside the loop along with the tcpsend code. So I'm thinking that there may be a memory leak or some other type of bug in tcpconnect or tcpsend or loop that caused this particular problem. I really don't understand why webdna failed to write to the db when I set the number of iterations to 10,000 and I cannot explain why the network activity continued (which means data was being received) but the database writing failed. This is the the mystery that bothers me more than anything else because it suggests a bigger underlying problem that may be unusually difficult to diagnose. > The timeout is definitely a good idea and will be available next version. Thanks for acknowledging that a tcpconnect timeout is a good suggestion. The more we have to integrate our websites with other sites the more we have to use tcpconnect, and the more this problem will crop up in the future without a timeout. :) Sincerely, Kenneth Grome Kenneth Grome


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