Email within tmpl ?

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numero = 10612
interpreted = N
texte = I thought I'd mess around with the Classifieds example to see how Email could be sent within a tmpl, but I think I ran across a bug in the example code. The Classifieds email password example shows:=-----> [foundItems] The password for this advertisement has been emailed to the owner, [ownerEmail]. [email to=[ownerEmail]&] The username and password for your advertisement are: Username: [username] Password: [password]You may edit this advertisement at [referrer]. [/email][/foundItems] <-----=and when I try to use it from the Classified Ad Search Results page I end up getting the following message on the next webpage:=-----> The password for this advertisement has been emailed to the owner, [email]& ssword_Reminder] The username and password for your advertisement are: Username: sven Password: passwordexample You may edit this advertisement at$s earch?db=Classifieds.db&neUniqueIddata=0&max=15. Error: Error: expected [/FOUNDITEMS], but found [/email] [/foundItems] <-----=I tried various pertubations of [email but didn't yet hit the magic incantation.Any sage insights ? :-) -SvenPS Grant, I did hit the WebStar-talk list with a strong (justified) endorsement several days ago. Don't worry, I'll do it again._____________________________________________________________________ Sven U. Grenander BeeHive Technologies, Inc. - with a WebCam in Pasadena, California _____________________________________________________________________------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Email within tmpl ? (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Email within tmpl ? (Sven U. Grenander 1997)
I thought I'd mess around with the Classifieds example to see how Email could be sent within a tmpl, but I think I ran across a bug in the example code. The Classifieds email password example shows:=-----> [founditems] The password for this advertisement has been emailed to the owner, [ownerEmail]. [email to=[ownerEmail]&] The username and password for your advertisement are: Username: [username] Password: [password]You may edit this advertisement at [referrer]. [/email][/foundItems] <-----=and when I try to use it from the Classified Ad Search Results page I end up getting the following message on the next webpage:=-----> The password for this advertisement has been emailed to the owner, [email]& ssword_Reminder] The username and password for your advertisement are: Username: sven Password: passwordexample You may edit this advertisement at$s earch?db=Classifieds.db&neUniqueIddata=0&max=15. Error: Error: expected [/FOUNDITEMS], but found [/email] [/foundItems] <-----=I tried various pertubations of [email but didn't yet hit the magic incantation.Any sage insights ? :-) -SvenPS Grant, I did hit the WebStar-Talk List with a strong (justified) endorsement several days ago. Don't worry, I'll do it again._____________________________________________________________________ Sven U. Grenander BeeHive Technologies, Inc. - with a WebCam in Pasadena, California _____________________________________________________________________------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Sven U. Grenander


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