[WebDNA] WebDNA7 config help

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numero = 107882
interpreted = N
texte = I'm trying to get a WebDNA 7 site setup onto a DreamHost VPS. These VPS = already pre-configured so there's a lot going on in the apache = configuration already. It's a Debian 6 64bits server I'm having a problem which I think is originating from the mime module = (which is being loaded in the conf file). =20 AddType text/html .tpl .dna Even with no other configurations, the mime module should at least = deliver a .dna or .tpl page in the browser, but these pages are being = prompted as downloads regardless. Any ideas?= Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] WebDNA7 config help (aaronmichaelmusic@gmail.com 2012)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] WebDNA7 config help (Kenneth Grome 2012)
  3. [WebDNA] WebDNA7 config help (aaronmichaelmusic@gmail.com 2012)
I'm trying to get a WebDNA 7 site setup onto a DreamHost VPS. These VPS = already pre-configured so there's a lot going on in the apache = configuration already. It's a Debian 6 64bits server I'm having a problem which I think is originating from the mime module = (which is being loaded in the conf file). =20 AddType text/html .tpl .dna Even with no other configurations, the mime module should at least = deliver a .dna or .tpl page in the browser, but these pages are being = prompted as downloads regardless. Any ideas?= aaronmichaelmusic@gmail.com


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