writing db to disk

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numero = 10920
interpreted = N
texte = Sorry if this has been discussed...When a database is edited does WC write the changes to disk or do you need to $Quit or [CloseDatabase] to get it written? (how about a $Save command?) I ask because Mac servers have been know to crash ;-) and if the ram version isn't written then the disk copy is out of date upon restart. thx. Karl Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: writing db to disk (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. writing db to disk (Karl Schroll 1997)
Sorry if this has been discussed...When a database is edited does WC write the changes to disk or do you need to $Quit or [closedatabase] to get it written? (how about a $Save command?) I ask because Mac servers have been know to crash ;-) and if the ram version isn't written then the disk copy is out of date upon restart. thx. Karl Karl Schroll


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