Re: Extended [ConvertChars]

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numero = 10981
interpreted = N
texte = >>> >>> >>>and WebCatalog generates an error saying Sorry, HTML is not allowed in >>>this form if they enter stuff that looks like HTML >> >>Or test the data entered - before it is appended - to see if it has any >>angle brackets, and if it does, either append the data and set the >>HTMLAllowed field to F, or don't even append the data at all ... > >My proposal here was to add a new feature to WebCatalog that looks for the >HTMLAllowed field, and have WebCatalog intelligently look for HTML tags. >It's pretty hard to create a WebDNA comparison that looks for stuff that >seems to be HTML.I like your solution better, Grant! Then we wouldn't have to create our own tests to determine whether or not there's any html in a data field.I didn't know you were suggesting an entirely new feature, my idea was a suggestion for dealing with the html entry problem using WebCat2's existing capabilities. Since I've never seen anyone use angle brackets in regular text, I thought that might be the most useful character to search for, since angle brackets *must* be included in html ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome ..... Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Extended [Convertchars] needed (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Christer Olsson 1997)
  4. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  6. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  7. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  8. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  9. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Christer Olsson 1997)
  10. Re: Extended [ConvertChars] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  11. Extended [ConvertChars] (Christer Olsson 1997)
>>> >>> >>>and WebCatalog generates an error saying Sorry, HTML is not allowed in >>>this form if they enter stuff that looks like HTML >> >>Or test the data entered - before it is appended - to see if it has any >>angle brackets, and if it does, either append the data and set the >>HTMLAllowed field to F, or don't even append the data at all ... > >My proposal here was to add a new feature to WebCatalog that looks for the >HTMLAllowed field, and have WebCatalog intelligently look for HTML tags. >It's pretty hard to create a WebDNA comparison that looks for stuff that >seems to be HTML.I like your solution better, Grant! Then we wouldn't have to create our own tests to determine whether or not there's any html in a data field.I didn't know you were suggesting an entirely new feature, my idea was a suggestion for dealing with the html entry problem using WebCat2's existing capabilities. Since I've never seen anyone use angle brackets in regular text, I thought that might be the most useful character to search for, since angle brackets *must* be included in html ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome ..... Kenneth Grome


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