[WebDNA] Mac OS X Server ("Maverick") - Not Authorized

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numero = 111193
interpreted = N
texte = Hi all, I have managed to install WebDNA 7 FastCGI on a Mac OS X Server = =93Maverick=94 (latest version) and calling my index.dna it seems to = work just fine, but when trying to access the =91adminprefs.dna=92 get = an =93Not Authorized=94 response. The promote is not accepting the = default =91admin/admin=92. http://www.qt.dk/WebDNA/Admin/AdminPrefs.dna According to Apache specifications configuration needs to be stored in = the other/*.conf location and this is where my WebDNA specific = configuration is stored like this (and working). Any help in getting inside my WebDNA prefs ? ******* my https.conf file placed in other/*conf location ********** #----------------------- LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so LoadModule fastcgi_module libexec/apache2/mod_fastcgi.so #----------------------- #----------------------- FastCGIServer = /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/www.qt.dk/WebDNA/WebDNA.fcgi = -idle-timeout 60 -processes 1 #----------------------- #----------------------- AddType text/html .tpl .dna #----------------------- #----------------------- Deny from all #----------------------- #----------------------- Action webdna-fastcgi /WebDNA/WebDNA.fcgi AddHandler webdna-fastcgi .dna AddHandler webdna-fastcgi .html #----------------------- #----------------------- RewriteEngine on RewriteRule .* - = [E=3DHTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L] #----------------------- ******* end my https.conf file placed in other/*conf location end = **********= Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Mac OS X Server ("Maverick") - Not Authorized (Brian Wachter 2014)
  2. [WebDNA] Mac OS X Server ("Maverick") - Not Authorized (Palle Bo Nielsen 2014)
Hi all, I have managed to install WebDNA 7 FastCGI on a Mac OS X Server = =93Maverick=94 (latest version) and calling my index.dna it seems to = work just fine, but when trying to access the =91adminprefs.dna=92 get = an =93Not Authorized=94 response. The promote is not accepting the = default =91admin/admin=92. http://www.qt.dk/WebDNA/Admin/AdminPrefs.dna According to Apache specifications configuration needs to be stored in = the other/*.conf location and this is where my WebDNA specific = configuration is stored like this (and working). Any help in getting inside my WebDNA prefs ? ******* my https.conf file placed in other/*conf location ********** #----------------------- LoadModule rewrite_module libexec/apache2/mod_rewrite.so LoadModule fastcgi_module libexec/apache2/mod_fastcgi.so #----------------------- #----------------------- FastCGIServer = /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/www.qt.dk/WebDNA/WebDNA.fcgi = -idle-timeout 60 -processes 1 #----------------------- #----------------------- AddType text/html .tpl .dna #----------------------- #----------------------- Deny from all #----------------------- #----------------------- Action webdna-fastcgi /WebDNA/WebDNA.fcgi AddHandler webdna-fastcgi .dna AddHandler webdna-fastcgi .html #----------------------- #----------------------- RewriteEngine on RewriteRule .* - = [E=3DHTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L] #----------------------- ******* end my https.conf file placed in other/*conf location end = **********= Palle Bo Nielsen


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