Re: [protect admin]

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numero = 12335
interpreted = N
texte = >Currently using the 2.of3 acgi from the cgi-bin. >The cgi-bin folder contains the webcat .pref file & users.db file. > >It was my understanding that placing [protect admin] would call a usr/pass >box for entry. > >This was to provide username password protection to .tmpl file. > >WRONG!!!! I can log into my site and access a .tmpl file that has [protect >admin] directly. And yes I restarted netscape prior to logon. > >WebCat is doing NO protection of any kind for me. What's Up????You moved the users.db file out of the WebCatalog folder, so WebCatalog cannot find it, so it cannot 'protect' your pages.If you plan to use the [protect] tag, you have to leave things where they were when you downloaded the WbeCatalog package. The path to the users.db file is hard-coded into the software, so you cannot move the users.db and expect to use [protect].Of course, if you want to write your own WebDNA to do the same kind of thing [protect] does, then you can move the users.db file wherever you please - you just won't be able to use the [protect] tag, instead you'll have to use your own custom-coded replacement [include] tags and related files.I've 'been there, done that' ... and I've learned that life's a lot easier when you don't move some things around unless it's absolutely necessary ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [protect admin] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: [protect admin] (Glenn Davis 1997)
  3. Re: [protect admin] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Re: [protect admin] (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  5. Re: [protect admin] (Glenn Davis 1997)
  6. Re: [protect admin] (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  7. [protect admin] (Glenn Davis 1997)
>Currently using the 2.of3 acgi from the cgi-bin. >The cgi-bin folder contains the webcat .pref file & users.db file. > >It was my understanding that placing [protect admin] would call a usr/pass >box for entry. > >This was to provide username password protection to .tmpl file. > >WRONG!!!! I can log into my site and access a .tmpl file that has [protect >admin] directly. And yes I restarted netscape prior to logon. > >WebCat is doing NO protection of any kind for me. What's Up????You moved the users.db file out of the WebCatalog folder, so WebCatalog cannot find it, so it cannot 'protect' your pages.If you plan to use the [protect] tag, you have to leave things where they were when you downloaded the WbeCatalog package. The path to the users.db file is hard-coded into the software, so you cannot move the users.db and expect to use [protect].Of course, if you want to write your own WebDNA to do the same kind of thing [protect] does, then you can move the users.db file wherever you please - you just won't be able to use the [protect] tag, instead you'll have to use your own custom-coded replacement [include] tags and related files.I've 'been there, done that' ... and I've learned that life's a lot easier when you don't move some things around unless it's absolutely necessary ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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