question: search return in order

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numero = 12711
interpreted = N
texte = Hi,I have been having problems with my email but it looks as if it is OK now.Situation:When I have the thankyou.tmpl page do a search for serial numbers based upon whether they were sold or not, the search results are random and not necessarily in the order that they appear on the db. For instance, SKU 1,2,3,4,5,6 can be all marked as Sold=F but the search result of the db with a max=2 will give me back SKU 3 and 5 or if I do it again results come back as 1 and 4.Question:Is there a way to set the search up so that it when a max=2 that it will give me SKU 1 and 2? And if SKU 1 is Sold=T then the results would then be SKU 2 and 3? Not the random results.Thanks.Kevin Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: question: search return in order (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. question: search return in order (Kevin Furuta 1997)
Hi,I have been having problems with my email but it looks as if it is OK now.Situation:When I have the thankyou.tmpl page do a search for serial numbers based upon whether they were sold or not, the search results are random and not necessarily in the order that they appear on the db. For instance, SKU 1,2,3,4,5,6 can be all marked as Sold=F but the search result of the db with a max=2 will give me back SKU 3 and 5 or if I do it again results come back as 1 and 4.Question:Is there a way to set the search up so that it when a max=2 that it will give me SKU 1 and 2? And if SKU 1 is Sold=T then the results would then be SKU 2 and 3? Not the random results.Thanks.Kevin Kevin Furuta


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