Re: Thanks for tips, more quest

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numero = 13620
interpreted = N
texte = >I'd thought that embedding [cart] in the pages might keep it >persistently while they move through the site, but that doesn't seem >to be the case. I realize that adding '&cart=[cart]' to all of the >links would keep it with them, but then that makes bookmarking the >pages of the site an impossibility.Bookmarking pages inside the store is not a good idea anyways - your users should enter the store thru a particular page whenever possible. And it's probably best if they stay in the store only as long as they are shopping.If you want to allow people to move into and out of your 'store' while keeping their shopping carts active, you have to put &cart=[cart] in every link. Most store owners keep their customers inside the store until they are finished shopping and the order is placed - then they let them go outside the store to browse around the rest of the web site ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Thanks for tips, more quest (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: Thanks for tips, more quest (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. Thanks for tips, more quest (Dan Keldsen 1997)
  4. Thanks for tips, more quest (Dan Keldsen 1997)
>I'd thought that embedding [cart] in the pages might keep it >persistently while they move through the site, but that doesn't seem >to be the case. I realize that adding '&cart=[cart]' to all of the >links would keep it with them, but then that makes bookmarking the >pages of the site an impossibility.Bookmarking pages inside the store is not a good idea anyways - your users should enter the store thru a particular page whenever possible. And it's probably best if they stay in the store only as long as they are shopping.If you want to allow people to move into and out of your 'store' while keeping their shopping carts active, you have to put &cart=[cart] in every link. Most store owners keep their customers inside the store until they are finished shopping and the order is placed - then they let them go outside the store to browse around the rest of the web site ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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