Re: return missing item (was:WebCat Sales)

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numero = 15092
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texte = Thanks again Grant,It must get frustrating sometimes when you build a better mousetrap and users want to catch birds with it.>OK, so you're asking it to return a list of things that *aren't* >in the database at all? Yes, but only if they _are_ in the client's search. >Sorry, it can only search on things that exist. or word not exist >The are an infinite number of things that don't exist. No, just bananas>Here's something to try: >force the user to put each word into a separate textbox, >and then do a separate search for each of those words. >When a search turns up 0, you know they've typed something >that doesn't exist in the database.This is a good thought but I dropped it 'cause I don't know how many items the client will search for. Putting an infinite number of text input fields and forcing the client to tab through them seems less of a solution then slow [AppleScript].Chris Gursche wrote:>Is there a way to harness [numfound] and do some math on it? >It might take a little longer than one search, but if you >were to break it up into individual searches, it might still >be faster than AppleScript.Thanks Chris,This too is a good suggestion. I didn't go to far with this approach. (I'm not very good with math.)What I had spent most of my energies on is trying to create a new database that consists of the client's search words then compare that to the Inventory.db. The stone wall was always the same. WebCat has no command to work on one word at a time within a group of words or to break up a group of words so it can work on one word at a time.Chris, you and Grant have hit on exactly that same stone wall. Perhaps I should have asked my question this way.How do you break up a collection of words (from a single text input field) in a client's search so that WebCatalog searches and returns a value for each word individually?This is the AS way: [AppleScript]return word [index] of [myText][/AppleScript]Perhaps something like this could make it on the wish list: [getWord start=[index]&end=[index]][myText][/getWord]Thank you Grant and Chris and others who might have given it some thought but didn't post. For now, I'll stick with the [AppleScript] until the [getWord] solution appears.-- Eddie Schrieffer The Creative Edge Spartanburg, SCP.S. However, the [getChars] could coerce a word if it found a space or a punctuation but that seems like a long and bumpy road given the nested if/then situation. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: return missing item (was:WebCat Sales) (Eddie Schrieffer 1997)
  2. Re: return missing item (was:WebCat Sales) (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: return missing item (was:WebCat Sales) (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  4. Re: return missing item (was:WebCat Sales) (Chris Gursche 1997)
  5. return missing item (was:WebCat Sales) (Eddie Schrieffer 1997)
Thanks again Grant,It must get frustrating sometimes when you build a better mousetrap and users want to catch birds with it.>OK, so you're asking it to return a list of things that *aren't* >in the database at all? Yes, but only if they _are_ in the client's search. >Sorry, it can only search on things that exist. or word not exist >The are an infinite number of things that don't exist. No, just bananas>Here's something to try: >force the user to put each word into a separate textbox, >and then do a separate search for each of those words. >When a search turns up 0, you know they've typed something >that doesn't exist in the database.This is a good thought but I dropped it 'cause I don't know how many items the client will search for. Putting an infinite number of text input fields and forcing the client to tab through them seems less of a solution then slow [AppleScript].Chris Gursche wrote:>Is there a way to harness [numfound] and do some math on it? >It might take a little longer than one search, but if you >were to break it up into individual searches, it might still >be faster than AppleScript.Thanks Chris,This too is a good suggestion. I didn't go to far with this approach. (I'm not very good with math.)What I had spent most of my energies on is trying to create a new database that consists of the client's search words then compare that to the Inventory.db. The stone wall was always the same. WebCat has no command to work on one word at a time within a group of words or to break up a group of words so it can work on one word at a time.Chris, you and Grant have hit on exactly that same stone wall. Perhaps I should have asked my question this way.How do you break up a collection of words (from a single text input field) in a client's search so that WebCatalog searches and returns a value for each word individually?This is the AS way: [AppleScript]return word [index] of [myText][/AppleScript]Perhaps something like this could make it on the wish list: [getWord start=[index]&end=[index]][myText][/getWord]Thank you Grant and Chris and others who might have given it some thought but didn't post. For now, I'll stick with the [AppleScript] until the [getWord] solution appears.-- Eddie Schrieffer The Creative Edge Spartanburg, SCP.S. However, the [getchars] could coerce a word if it found a space or a punctuation but that seems like a long and bumpy road given the nested if/then situation. Eddie Schrieffer


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