RE: WebCat name recognition (was Re: MacFinder -- a new WebDNAw

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numero = 18806
interpreted = N
texte = The Mooseman struck the perfect chord.. >BUT... I think the Pacifc-Coast web site and us as vendors deserve a whole >bunch of working cut, copy and paste examples, snipplets and other working >ideas rather than the let's guess method. >As in life - It's NOT the name, - It's the first impression!If Pacific Coast wants to kick sales into high gear then making it easier to learn webDNA is the answer. Programming in html used to be only for an elite few - As the resources for learning and programming html have grown and matured, so have the number of web programmers.Pacific Coast should go convince Laura Lemay that her next book should be called Teaching youself WebDNA in a week. Pacific Coast has a winner in WebCatalog - now if only they can grow their followers before somebody else comes out with something just as fast but as easy to program as FileMaker or PageMill. :-)dan t Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

The Mooseman struck the perfect chord.. >BUT... I think the Pacifc-Coast web site and us as vendors deserve a whole >bunch of working cut, copy and paste examples, snipplets and other working >ideas rather than the let's guess method. >As in life - It's NOT the name, - It's the first impression!If Pacific Coast wants to kick sales into high gear then making it easier to learn webDNA is the answer. Programming in html used to be only for an elite few - As the resources for learning and programming html have grown and matured, so have the number of web programmers.Pacific Coast should go convince Laura Lemay that her next book should be called Teaching youself WebDNA in a week. Pacific Coast has a winner in WebCatalog - now if only they can grow their followers before somebody else comes out with something just as fast but as easy to program as FileMaker or PageMill. :-)dan t Dan Tryon


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