Checkboxes on forms??

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numero = 20154
interpreted = N
texte = I have a checkbox on a form (invoice.tpl), and in my fuffilment.tpl that emails the form, I have the name of that checbox there [ship2bill], and im finding that wether its checked or not, it just shows nothing. It doesnt show yes/no, or true/false... just blank...Is there a way to use checkboxes on forms with web catalog?? Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Checkboxes on forms?? (Scott Szretter 1998)
  2. Re: Checkboxes on forms?? (Dave MacLeay 1998)
I have a checkbox on a form (invoice.tpl), and in my fuffilment.tpl that emails the form, I have the name of that checbox there [ship2bill], and im finding that wether its checked or not, it just shows nothing. It doesnt show yes/no, or true/false... just blank...Is there a way to use checkboxes on forms with web catalog?? Scott Szretter


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