Re: WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files!

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numero = 22512
interpreted = N
texte = >Help! >I've just discovered, much to my dismay, that my WebSTAR/WebCatalog >combo is serving up .db files.It's probably only WebSTAR serving those db files. The way to prevent WebSTAR from serving your db files is to create an empty WebSTAR realm (no users) with a match string of .db. This will always prevent WebSTAR from serving your .db files as web pages ... :)>Of course, the first thing I did was check the prefs to make sure that >Only the following file extensions may be displayed: was checked ...If you're going to rely on webcat's ValidTemplateExtensions preference, you also need to set CheckTemplateExtensions to T.In addition, there are two other prefs you should be setting properly -- one called CheckDatabaseExtensions which should be set to T, and the other called ValidDatabaseExtensions which should have *only* the extensions of your db's listed in it.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Brian Drum 1999)
  2. Re: WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Rob Marquardt 1999)
  3. Re: WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Kenneth Grome 1999)
  4. Re: WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Paul Uttermohlen 1999)
  5. WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Brian Drum 1999)
  6. WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Brian Drum 1999)
  7. WebSTAR/WebCat is serving .db files! (Brian Drum 1999)
>Help! >I've just discovered, much to my dismay, that my WebSTAR/WebCatalog >combo is serving up .db files.It's probably only WebSTAR serving those db files. The way to prevent WebSTAR from serving your db files is to create an empty WebSTAR realm (no users) with a match string of .db. This will always prevent WebSTAR from serving your .db files as web pages ... :)>Of course, the first thing I did was check the prefs to make sure that >Only the following file extensions may be displayed: was checked ...If you're going to rely on webcat's ValidTemplateExtensions preference, you also need to set CheckTemplateExtensions to T.In addition, there are two other prefs you should be setting properly -- one called CheckDatabaseExtensions which should be set to T, and the other called ValidDatabaseExtensions which should have *only* the extensions of your db's listed in it.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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