Linux [decrypt] bug exists only on webcat 3 or also 4?

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numero = 33087
interpreted = N
texte = Is the [decrypt] bug, so far confirmed by 2 linux webcat users, also a bug on webcat 4?Anyone out there using Linux webcat 4 yet - could you try this and let us know?To test for the bug, stick the below in a new doc, upload to your server, hit it with a browser, and see what your webcat does with it. If you get anything after the closing [decrypt] tag, then your webcat does *not* have the bug.**** decrypt test [!]--all the extra URLing/UnURLing is just to make *sure* any problem does not stem from 8-bit chars--[/!]my pass (changed for talklist) urled twice, and encrypted = [text show=T]MyPass=[URL][URL][Encrypt seed=thetrees]whatz[!] [/!]Up[/Encrypt][/URL][/URL][/text]

My above (textVar) unurled twice, and decrypted = [Decrypt seed=thetrees][UnURL][UnURL][MyPass][/UnURL][/UnURL][/Decrypt]

Why doesn't this line of HTML or anything below ever get returned to the browser? At least on our Linux/webcat 3.08 it *never* does!?
If you see this sentence in your browser, then you are having a *different* experience than I am!! ****SM? - please comment (even - sorry we're so busy we won't even think about that for x months) because I really need to know how I am going to proceed at this point with a very large and time sensitive project I am involved in...Maybe you have a workaround if not the bug fix?-John ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Linux [decrypt] bug exists only on webcat 3 or also 4? (John Butler 2000)
  2. Re: Linux [decrypt] bug exists only on webcat 3 or also 4? (John Peacock 2000)
  3. Re: Linux [decrypt] bug exists only on webcat 3 or also 4? (WebDNA Support 2000)
  4. Linux [decrypt] bug exists only on webcat 3 or also 4? (John Butler 2000)
Is the [decrypt] bug, so far confirmed by 2 linux webcat users, also a bug on webcat 4?Anyone out there using Linux webcat 4 yet - could you try this and let us know?To test for the bug, stick the below in a new doc, upload to your server, hit it with a browser, and see what your webcat does with it. If you get anything after the closing [decrypt] tag, then your webcat does *not* have the bug.**** decrypt test [!]--all the extra URLing/UnURLing is just to make *sure* any problem does not stem from 8-bit chars--[/!]my pass (changed for talklist) urled twice, and encrypted = [text show=T]MyPass=[url][url][Encrypt seed=thetrees]whatz[!] [/!]Up[/Encrypt][/URL][/URL][/text]

My above (textVar) unurled twice, and decrypted = [Decrypt seed=thetrees][unurl][unurl][MyPass][/UnURL][/UnURL][/Decrypt]

Why doesn't this line of HTML or anything below ever get returned to the browser? At least on our Linux/webcat 3.08 it *never* does!?
If you see this sentence in your browser, then you are having a *different* experience than I am!! ****SM? - please comment (even - sorry we're so busy we won't even think about that for x months) because I really need to know how I am going to proceed at this point with a very large and time sensitive project I am involved in...Maybe you have a workaround if not the bug fix?-John ------------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: To switch to the DIGEST mode, E-mail to Web Archive of this list is at: John Butler


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