Re: Selected Item in Pop-down

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numero = 48478
interpreted = N
texte = It doesn't matter how the html select menu and its options are created, dynamic or not, if I select an item from the menu and I want that item to be pre selected when the page re-loads I check against the value of the select menu passed to that page to display it or not using the [showif] context.Maybe I'm missing the point here?On Thursday, March 6, 2003, at 11:30 AM, Anthony Clark wrote:> Marc, > Here's the twist: the categories themselves are dynamically generated > and placed in a separate data file (categories.db), so when a person > wants to modify an existing product (products.db), the popdown is from > the categories.db file (this is to allow new or modified products using > only a pre-defined list of categories). In other words, I can't > hard-code the categories into your example ahead of time because they > could change or be deleted. Could I somehow use WebDNA to use looping > to > generate the needed