Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word

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numero = 100201
interpreted = N
texte = Stuart Tremain wrote: > Thanks Frank, I will give it a go :) Hope it works but as I said, I don't really know exactly what I've done in this case. The code isn't actually supposed to work according to the documentation. ;-) Anyway, there's always the brute force approach - not very elegant but guaranteed to do the job: [TEXT] TEXTSTRING= a[GETCHARS start=219&end=261][BODY][/GETCHARS]a [/TEXT] [TEXT] LASTWORD=[COUNTWORDS delimiters= ][TEXTSTRING][/COUNTWORDS] [/TEXT] [LISTWORDS delimiters= &words=[TEXTSTRING]] [HIDEIF [INDEX]=1] [HIDEIF [INDEX]=[LASTWORD]] [HIDEIF [INDEX]=2] [/HIDEIF] [WORD] [/HIDEIF] [/HIDEIF] [/LISTWORDS] (Note: you may have to remove some line shifts from this code - exepcially the ones within a [TEXT][/TEXT] context.) (Note 2: The variable [TEXTSTRING] starts and ends with a (randomly chosen) fixed character and includes an extra character from [BODY] at each end. This is to ensure that the script doesn't filter out words you want to keep.) Frank Nordberg Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word ("William DeVaul" 2008)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Matthew Bohne 2008)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Frank Nordberg 2008)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Frank Nordberg 2008)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Charles Kline 2008)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Stuart Tremain 2008)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Frank Nordberg 2008)
  8. [WebDNA] How to stop cutting a word (Stuart Tremain 2008)
Stuart Tremain wrote: > Thanks Frank, I will give it a go :) Hope it works but as I said, I don't really know exactly what I've done in this case. The code isn't actually supposed to work according to the documentation. ;-) Anyway, there's always the brute force approach - not very elegant but guaranteed to do the job: [text] TEXTSTRING= a[GETCHARS start=219&end=261][BODY][/GETCHARS]a [/TEXT] [text] LASTWORD=[COUNTWORDS delimiters= ][TEXTSTRING][/COUNTWORDS] [/TEXT] [LISTWORDS delimiters= &words=[TEXTSTRING]] [HIDEIF [INDEX]=1] [HIDEIF [INDEX]=[LASTWORD]] [HIDEIF [INDEX]=2] [/HIDEIF] [WORD] [/HIDEIF] [/HIDEIF] [/LISTWORDS] (Note: you may have to remove some line shifts from this code - exepcially the ones within a [text][/TEXT] context.) (Note 2: The variable [TEXTSTRING] starts and ends with a (randomly chosen) fixed character and includes an extra character from [BODY] at each end. This is to ensure that the script doesn't filter out words you want to keep.) Frank Nordberg Frank Nordberg


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