[WebDNA] making a gift cert. (in effect) it's own lineitem/'product' with negative price - pros/cons?

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numero = 100702
interpreted = N
texte = HI all, The last webdna work I did was 7 years ago when v.4 had just come out. I want to ask those who have been fluent all along and who also are current with v.6: I remember vaguely old discussion around the best way to handle gift- certificate use in webdna shopping cart setups. I remember people advocated making the gift cert. (in effect) a dynamic lineitem/'product' to be added into the shopping cart file, and thus affecting the GrandTotal via the gift cert's negative price. I don't remember many of the arguments for doing it that way, and now as I prepare to implement my first gift cert/ system I don't see many reasons to do it that way. The carts we are working with for this project will almost certainly have only one item in them at checkout time... and the user may or may not have a gift cert to apply. Can anyone please give feedback here? What are the major pros and cons for making the gift cert it's own 'product' to be dynamically rolled into the cart's contents? Thanks for your thoughts and time. -Govinda Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] making a gift cert. (in effect) it's own lineitem/'product' with negative price - pros/cons? (Govinda 2008)
  2. [WebDNA] making a gift cert. (in effect) it's own lineitem/'product' with negative price - pros/cons? (Govinda 2008)
HI all, The last webdna work I did was 7 years ago when v.4 had just come out. I want to ask those who have been fluent all along and who also are current with v.6: I remember vaguely old discussion around the best way to handle gift- certificate use in webdna shopping cart setups. I remember people advocated making the gift cert. (in effect) a dynamic lineitem/'product' to be added into the shopping cart file, and thus affecting the GrandTotal via the gift cert's negative price. I don't remember many of the arguments for doing it that way, and now as I prepare to implement my first gift cert/ system I don't see many reasons to do it that way. The carts we are working with for this project will almost certainly have only one item in them at checkout time... and the user may or may not have a gift cert to apply. Can anyone please give feedback here? What are the major pros and cons for making the gift cert it's own 'product' to be dynamically rolled into the cart's contents? Thanks for your thoughts and time. -Govinda Govinda


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