Re: [WebDNA] [BULK] Windows XP Pro Success!

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texte = That's great to hear! Welcome aboard, and pretty=20 soon we'll see you helping us spread the good=20 word about WebDNA. Terry W OK Gang - I was able to get WebDNA running on my=20 Windows XP Pro box! Very special thanks to Terry=20 Nair & Stuart Tremain for keeping me going during=20 this process. The "secret" was this: =46irst, WebDNA does NOT like spaces in the path=20 name for the $WebCat.dll file. I had my web root=20 in: D:\My Documents\Inetpub\wwwroot That was the problem with all subsequent attempts=20 to install WebDNA because that folder was=20 "remembered" between installs. So, here's what I believe to be the proper install procedure: 1) Run the Windows Installer - The installer asks for 2 folder paths. The=20 first is where to install the "WebCatalog"=20 folder. THis should be the root of your default=20 website. In my case, this was: D:\My Documents\Inetpub\wwwroot in default IIS installations, it's usually: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot The second folder is where to install the=20 WebCatalogEngine folder (this is where the ISAPI=20 filter: $WebCat.dll is installed). Make sure=20 this folder path does NOT have any spaces in it! I originally installed this folder to: D:\My Documents\Inetpub\Scripts However, this caused all types of problems. The=20 folder that worked was to install it to: C:\Inetpub\Scripts Note that this folder does not have any spaces in it. Additionally, The installer has some verbiage=20 about installing the Engine in a folder=20 designated to run "scripts". The truth is that=20 this folder must be configured in IIS 5.1 as an=20 "Application" folder. You can make this=20 designation AFTER the install if you don't=20 already have a folder designated as an=20 "Application". After the installer has run, it defaults to=20 running the WebDNA html page. BEFORE you do=20 this, you should check several things in IIS. 2) "Web Sites" Configuration. - Open IIS Manager. - Rt-Click the "Web Sites" folder and select "properties" - Under the "ISAPI Filters" tab, you should see=20 "WebCatalog" with a "high" priority. Make sure=20 this is the LAST high priority filter. Click on=20 this filter and select "Edit" and make sure the=20 executable to set to the correct path to=20 $WebCat.dll file (remember - no spaces!) - Next Click on the "Home Directory" tab and=20 click the "Configuration" button. The first tab=20 on the next screen is "mappings". When you ran=20 the installer in step 1, you should see the=20 default extensions (.db & .tpl) mapped to the=20 $WebCat.dll file. Again, confirm that these=20 settings are mapped correctly with no spaces!=20 Now, I think these mappings are used whenever you=20 create a NEW website, but do not effect the=20 settings of an existing website (like your=20 default website), so there's more to do... 3) Default Web Site=A0configuration. -=A0Open IIS manager and open the "Web Sites" folder in the treeview - Rt-Click on the Default Website and select "properties" - Click on the "ISAPI Filters" tab and it should be empty - Click on the "Home Directory" tab and click the "Configuration" button. - Under the Mappings" tab, make sure that at a=20 minimum .tpl and .db extensions are mapped to the=20 $WebCat.dll file and that the path to the .dll=20 file is correct and DOES NOT CONTAIN any spaces. 4) Make sure "Scripts" folder is defined as a Virtual Folder in IIS - Open IIS Manager, then open the "Web Sites"=20 folder, then open the "Default Web Site" folder - Under the Default Website Folder, make sure the=20 "Scripts" folder where you installed the=20 WebCatalogEngine folder is listed as a virtual=20 directory. If it is not, then add it. - Also, if this folder is shown as an Application=20 folder, then you must check the mappings to be=20 certain that .tpl & .db are mapped correctly. If=20 the folder is NOT an application folder, then the=20 folder should get it's mappings from the "Default=20 Web Site" mappings. 5) Make sure Web Catalog is defined as a Virtual Folder in IIS - Open IIS Manager, then open the "Web Sites"=20 folder, then open the "Default Web Site" folder - Under the Default Website Folder, make sure the=20 "Web Catalog" folder is listed as a virtual=20 directory. If it is not, then add it. - Also, if this folder is shown as an Application=20 folder, then you must check the mappings to be=20 certain that .tpl & .db are mapped correctly. If=20 the folder is NOT an application folder, then the=20 folder should get it's mappings from the "Default=20 Web Site" mappings. OK, this is how I was able to get the Windows XP=20 Pro IIS to run the WebDNA program. For users=20 with default folder locations, it should not be=20 as difficult as it was for me. As mentioned, I=20 think my whole problem stemmed from having a=20 space in my folder path and then each subsequent=20 install had remnants of that space somewhere in=20 all of the IIS settings. Following the process=20 above helped me get the configuration running. Again - thanks to all on the List Server that tried to help me out. Sincerely, JD Ready RISE Development Group, Inc. 303.925.0047 Phone 720.226.0740 Fax 866.321.0944 Toll-Free -- Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] [BULK] Windows XP Pro Success! (Terry Wilson 2008)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] [BULK] Windows XP Pro Success! (Donovan Brooke 2008)
  3. [WebDNA] [BULK] Windows XP Pro Success! ("JD Ready" 2008)
That's great to hear! Welcome aboard, and pretty=20 soon we'll see you helping us spread the good=20 word about WebDNA. Terry W OK Gang - I was able to get WebDNA running on my=20 Windows XP Pro box! Very special thanks to Terry=20 Nair & Stuart Tremain for keeping me going during=20 this process. The "secret" was this: =46irst, WebDNA does NOT like spaces in the path=20 name for the $WebCat.dll file. I had my web root=20 in: D:\My Documents\Inetpub\wwwroot That was the problem with all subsequent attempts=20 to install WebDNA because that folder was=20 "remembered" between installs. So, here's what I believe to be the proper install procedure: 1) Run the Windows Installer - The installer asks for 2 folder paths. The=20 first is where to install the "WebCatalog"=20 folder. THis should be the root of your default=20 website. In my case, this was: D:\My Documents\Inetpub\wwwroot in default IIS installations, it's usually: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot The second folder is where to install the=20 WebCatalogEngine folder (this is where the ISAPI=20 filter: $WebCat.dll is installed). Make sure=20 this folder path does NOT have any spaces in it! I originally installed this folder to: D:\My Documents\Inetpub\Scripts However, this caused all types of problems. The=20 folder that worked was to install it to: C:\Inetpub\Scripts Note that this folder does not have any spaces in it. Additionally, The installer has some verbiage=20 about installing the Engine in a folder=20 designated to run "scripts". The truth is that=20 this folder must be configured in IIS 5.1 as an=20 "Application" folder. You can make this=20 designation AFTER the install if you don't=20 already have a folder designated as an=20 "Application". After the installer has run, it defaults to=20 running the WebDNA html page. BEFORE you do=20 this, you should check several things in IIS. 2) "Web Sites" Configuration. - Open IIS Manager. - Rt-Click the "Web Sites" folder and select "properties" - Under the "ISAPI Filters" tab, you should see=20 "WebCatalog" with a "high" priority. Make sure=20 this is the LAST high priority filter. Click on=20 this filter and select "Edit" and make sure the=20 executable to set to the correct path to=20 $WebCat.dll file (remember - no spaces!) - Next Click on the "Home Directory" tab and=20 click the "Configuration" button. The first tab=20 on the next screen is "mappings". When you ran=20 the installer in step 1, you should see the=20 default extensions (.db & .tpl) mapped to the=20 $WebCat.dll file. Again, confirm that these=20 settings are mapped correctly with no spaces!=20 Now, I think these mappings are used whenever you=20 create a NEW website, but do not effect the=20 settings of an existing website (like your=20 default website), so there's more to do... 3) Default Web Site=A0configuration. -=A0Open IIS manager and open the "Web Sites" folder in the treeview - Rt-Click on the Default Website and select "properties" - Click on the "ISAPI Filters" tab and it should be empty - Click on the "Home Directory" tab and click the "Configuration" button. - Under the Mappings" tab, make sure that at a=20 minimum .tpl and .db extensions are mapped to the=20 $WebCat.dll file and that the path to the .dll=20 file is correct and DOES NOT CONTAIN any spaces. 4) Make sure "Scripts" folder is defined as a Virtual Folder in IIS - Open IIS Manager, then open the "Web Sites"=20 folder, then open the "Default Web Site" folder - Under the Default Website Folder, make sure the=20 "Scripts" folder where you installed the=20 WebCatalogEngine folder is listed as a virtual=20 directory. If it is not, then add it. - Also, if this folder is shown as an Application=20 folder, then you must check the mappings to be=20 certain that .tpl & .db are mapped correctly. If=20 the folder is NOT an application folder, then the=20 folder should get it's mappings from the "Default=20 Web Site" mappings. 5) Make sure Web Catalog is defined as a Virtual Folder in IIS - Open IIS Manager, then open the "Web Sites"=20 folder, then open the "Default Web Site" folder - Under the Default Website Folder, make sure the=20 "Web Catalog" folder is listed as a virtual=20 directory. If it is not, then add it. - Also, if this folder is shown as an Application=20 folder, then you must check the mappings to be=20 certain that .tpl & .db are mapped correctly. If=20 the folder is NOT an application folder, then the=20 folder should get it's mappings from the "Default=20 Web Site" mappings. OK, this is how I was able to get the Windows XP=20 Pro IIS to run the WebDNA program. For users=20 with default folder locations, it should not be=20 as difficult as it was for me. As mentioned, I=20 think my whole problem stemmed from having a=20 space in my folder path and then each subsequent=20 install had remnants of that space somewhere in=20 all of the IIS settings. Following the process=20 above helped me get the configuration running. Again - thanks to all on the List Server that tried to help me out. Sincerely, JD Ready RISE Development Group, Inc. 303.925.0047 Phone 720.226.0740 Fax 866.321.0944 Toll-Free -- Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. Terry Wilson


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