[WebDNA] Sales Tax on CUstom WebDNA Site

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numero = 101311
interpreted = N
texte = This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C939FA.588D43F0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Gang, =20 Hoping someone can help out here... =20 I have a custom webdna site that I inherited (www.tennis-apparel.com). = I believe that it is custom in that I don't think it uses the "Store = Builder" code from the admin menu. The original owners of the site were located = in Montana which does not collect sales tax. We have now moved the site to = a suburb of Denver, CO. So I need to calculate State tax on in-state = sales, but I'm also concerned with the county, city, and RTD tax for local = buyers. So my questions are: =20 1) Should I be concerned with all of those, or just the State? =20 2) What is the typical way for a webDNA site to handle these things? =20 3) Can someone point me in the right direction for calculating these = issues? =20 Thanks in advance for any help in this regard! Sincerely, =20 JD Ready jdready@risedev.com http://www.risedev.com =20 RISE Development Group, Inc. 7433 La Quinta Ln Lone Tree, CO 80124 303.925.0047 Phone 720.226.0740 Fax 866.321.0944 Toll-Free =20 ------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C939FA.588D43F0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
Hi=20 Gang,
Hoping = someone can=20 help out here...
I have = a custom=20 webdna site that I inherited (www.tennis-apparel.com). = I=20 believe that it is custom in that I don't think it uses the "Store = Builder" code=20 from the admin menu.  The original owners of the site were located = in=20 Montana which does not collect sales tax.  We have now moved the = site to a=20 suburb of Denver, CO.  So I need to calculate State tax on in-state = sales,=20 but I'm also concerned with the county, city, and RTD tax for local=20 buyers.  So my questions are:
1) = Should I be=20 concerned with all of those, or just the State?
2) = What is the=20 typical way for  a webDNA site to handle these = things?
3) Can = someone point=20 me in the right direction for calculating these = issues?
Thanks = in advance=20 for any help in this regard!  Sincerely,
JD = Ready
RISE Development = Group,=20 Inc.
7433 La Quinta = Ln
Lone Tree, CO =20 80124
303.925.0047 = Phone
720.226.0740 = Fax
866.321.0944 = Toll-Free
------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C939FA.588D43F0-- Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Sales Tax on CUstom WebDNA Site (Donovan Brooke 2008)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Sales Tax on CUstom WebDNA Site (Bob Minor 2008)
  3. [WebDNA] Sales Tax on CUstom WebDNA Site ("JD Ready" 2008)
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C939FA.588D43F0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi Gang, =20 Hoping someone can help out here... =20 I have a custom webdna site that I inherited (www.tennis-apparel.com). = I believe that it is custom in that I don't think it uses the "Store = Builder" code from the admin menu. The original owners of the site were located = in Montana which does not collect sales tax. We have now moved the site to = a suburb of Denver, CO. So I need to calculate State tax on in-state = sales, but I'm also concerned with the county, city, and RTD tax for local = buyers. So my questions are: =20 1) Should I be concerned with all of those, or just the State? =20 2) What is the typical way for a webDNA site to handle these things? =20 3) Can someone point me in the right direction for calculating these = issues? =20 Thanks in advance for any help in this regard! Sincerely, =20 JD Ready jdready@risedev.com http://www.risedev.com =20 RISE Development Group, Inc. 7433 La Quinta Ln Lone Tree, CO 80124 303.925.0047 Phone 720.226.0740 Fax 866.321.0944 Toll-Free =20 ------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C939FA.588D43F0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Message
Hi=20 Gang,
Hoping = someone can=20 help out here...
I have = a custom=20 webdna site that I inherited (www.tennis-apparel.com). = I=20 believe that it is custom in that I don't think it uses the "Store = Builder" code=20 from the admin menu.  The original owners of the site were located = in=20 Montana which does not collect sales tax.  We have now moved the = site to a=20 suburb of Denver, CO.  So I need to calculate State tax on in-state = sales,=20 but I'm also concerned with the county, city, and RTD tax for local=20 buyers.  So my questions are:
1) = Should I be=20 concerned with all of those, or just the State?
2) = What is the=20 typical way for  a webDNA site to handle these = things?
3) Can = someone point=20 me in the right direction for calculating these = issues?
Thanks = in advance=20 for any help in this regard!  Sincerely,
JD = Ready
RISE Development = Group,=20 Inc.
7433 La Quinta = Ln
Lone Tree, CO =20 80124
303.925.0047 = Phone
720.226.0740 = Fax
866.321.0944 = Toll-Free
------=_NextPart_000_009E_01C939FA.588D43F0-- "JD Ready"


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