[WebDNA] How does waitforfile actually work?

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numero = 102709
interpreted = N
texte = > > Third problem: WebDNA fails to delete the undesirable > > newly recreated empty cart file via the following > > deletefile tag even though its permissions are 777. > > Why does it fail to delete this file and how can I make > > it delete this file? > > > > [deletefile ../CartFiles/[cart]] > > Though I don't know if it will solve your problem, that > is not the syntax I use for deletefile. Try: > [deletefile file=xxx] (such as in the docs) Mine and yours both work when I test the movefile and delete tags on a page that does not have an orderfile context above those tags. In other words, apparently the orderfile context is not closing the file before the movefile and delete tags are invoked, and that's probably why they don't work properly in this situation. This brings up a question: Have you looked at the waitforfile code and if so, does it wait for the designated file to be closed by WebDNA or another application before proceeding? Or does it simply look to see if the file exists before proceeding? Sincerely, Ken Grome Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [WebDNA] How does waitforfile actually work? (Kenneth Grome 2009)
> > Third problem: WebDNA fails to delete the undesirable > > newly recreated empty cart file via the following > > deletefile tag even though its permissions are 777. > > Why does it fail to delete this file and how can I make > > it delete this file? > > > > [deletefile ../CartFiles/[cart]] > > Though I don't know if it will solve your problem, that > is not the syntax I use for deletefile. Try: > [deletefile file=xxx] (such as in the docs) Mine and yours both work when I test the movefile and delete tags on a page that does not have an orderfile context above those tags. In other words, apparently the orderfile context is not closing the file before the movefile and delete tags are invoked, and that's probably why they don't work properly in this situation. This brings up a question: Have you looked at the waitforfile code and if so, does it wait for the designated file to be closed by WebDNA or another application before proceeding? Or does it simply look to see if the file exists before proceeding? Sincerely, Ken Grome Kenneth Grome


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