Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna

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numero = 102886
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texte = You're missing -composite, which is the part of=20 IM that will paste the logo over the image. Did=20 you try it as in the example they gave you over=20 on the IM list? Terry Hi, I'm using ImageMagick for the first time. I'm trying to past a logo on images I'm converting Very large images (55mb) to medium=20 size (1000px) and then to thumbnails (200 px). =46irst the large files are resised to 1000px Widh,=20 then I do the thumbnails and after I wish to past=20 the logo on the 1000px The difficult part is to change the logo size, I=20 want to past the logo on different image size, so=20 I wish to change the logo size deppending on the=20 image size So I have been trying many things and thought=20 that this would be the right code, but it isn't!!! "Composite LogoSV_base.png -geometry 50x50=20 -gravity NorthWest -append Sourcefoto.jpg=20 myfinalephoto.jpg" I post a request on the Imagemagick Forum and had the following answer : "convert backgroundimage \( logoimage -resize=20 50x50 \) -compose over -composite" So with Webdna my code is as follow : [shell]/opt/local/bin/convert=20 [MYIMAGE]=A0[MYLOGO]=A0-resize 50x50=20 -compose=A0[MYFINALIMAGE[/shell] Has any one an idea where I get wrong? How can I set ONLY the size of the Logo file? Thanks in advance for your help Lawrence -- Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Terry Wilson 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Stuart Tremain 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Lawrence Banahan 2009)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Lawrence Banahan 2009)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Terry Wilson 2009)
  6. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Lawrence Banahan 2009)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Terry Wilson 2009)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Lawrence Banahan 2009)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Govinda 2009)
  10. [WebDNA] Image Magick and Webdna (Lawrence Banahan 2009)
You're missing -composite, which is the part of=20 IM that will paste the logo over the image. Did=20 you try it as in the example they gave you over=20 on the IM list? Terry Hi, I'm using ImageMagick for the first time. I'm trying to past a logo on images I'm converting Very large images (55mb) to medium=20 size (1000px) and then to thumbnails (200 px). =46irst the large files are resised to 1000px Widh,=20 then I do the thumbnails and after I wish to past=20 the logo on the 1000px The difficult part is to change the logo size, I=20 want to past the logo on different image size, so=20 I wish to change the logo size deppending on the=20 image size So I have been trying many things and thought=20 that this would be the right code, but it isn't!!! "Composite LogoSV_base.png -geometry 50x50=20 -gravity NorthWest -append Sourcefoto.jpg=20 myfinalephoto.jpg" I post a request on the Imagemagick Forum and had the following answer : "convert backgroundimage \( logoimage -resize=20 50x50 \) -compose over -composite" So with Webdna my code is as follow : [shell]/opt/local/bin/convert=20 [MYIMAGE]=A0[MYLOGO]=A0-resize 50x50=20 -compose=A0[MYFINALIMAGE[/shell] Has any one an idea where I get wrong? How can I set ONLY the size of the Logo file? Thanks in advance for your help Lawrence -- Terry Wilson | | - a simplified, affordable online reservation system -- stylish protection for your laptop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attitude is the only difference between ordeal and adventure. Terry Wilson


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