[WebDNA] is this expected behavior for [arrayget]?

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numero = 103224
interpreted = N
texte = Is anyone out there using [arrayset] or [arrayget] ?? I am starting to, but finding some un-desired behavior. There are certainly other ways of accomplishing what I am doing.. but I thought it would be fun to learn webdna's array syntax. I would love to rely on this and learn it well while developing, but I am under enough time pressure to want to avoid being the lone scout in this territory. Thus my question.. Has anyone spent much time with webdna arrays? What did you find.. Work as expected? Or what are the issues? Here is an example of one issues I am finding. (I hope it is just due to my own misunderstanding, and not webdna source-code bugs/ features! ;-) this code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [arrayset name=ReqdFormVars&dim=12] (1 )= UserID &(2 )= EnterPassword &(3)=ReEnterPassword&(4)=FirstName&(5)=LastName&(6)=Address[!]  [/!]&(7 )= City &(8 )= State &(9)=PostalCodeZip&(10)=Country&(11)=PhoneNumber&(12)=EMailAddress[/ arrayset] [ArrayGet name=ReqdFormVars] [loop start=1&end=[DimSize_1]&advance=1] [index]-([index])=([index]),[interpret][([index])][/interpret].[!] [/!][text show=F]testvar[index]=([index])[/text][!] [/!][/loop] [/ArrayGet] testvar1=[testvar1] testvar1=[interpret][[testvar1]][/interpret] testvar12=[testvar12] testvar12=[interpret][[testvar12]][/interpret] UserID=[UserID] EMailAddress=[EMailAddress] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- returns: ========================================================= 1-UserID=UserID,[UserID]. 2-EnterPassword=EnterPassword,[EnterPassword]. 3-ReEnterPassword=ReEnterPassword,[ReEnterPassword]. 4-FirstName=FirstName,[FirstName]. 5-LastName=LastName,[LastName]. 6-Address=Address,[Address]. 7-City=City,[City]. 8-State=State,[State]. 9-PostalCodeZip=PostalCodeZip,[PostalCodeZip]. 10-Country=Country,[Country]. 11-PhoneNumber=PhoneNumber,[PhoneNumber]. 12-EMailAddress=EMailAddress,[EMailAddress]. testvar1=(1) testvar1=[(1)] testvar12=(12) testvar12=[(12)] UserID=thisIsATestUser EMailAddress=thisIsATestEmail ========================================================= Why does (1) not evaluate to "UserID" when *inside* the [text] context which is inside the [arrayget], like it does when *outside* the [text]? Why does [interpret] not work inside the [arrayget]? (Note, in case it affect the source code debugging (if we call this a bug), then note that all this code is inside a square-bracket include which I call with (from an XML syntax page.) Those last 2 incoming formvars ([UserID] and [EMailAddress]) are evaluating correctly. but I want their values *inside the [arrayget]*, so I can validate the user input, etc. I know I can validate user input so many other ways.. but that is not the point. I wanted to get another webdna context up to speed in my arsenal. What is the use of arrays if we can't do stuff inside them?! Not to sound complainey; ..just making sure I know what I am working with. Anyone have any experience with webdna arrays worth mentioning? ...and/or can you see something I am not thinking right? ------------ John Butler (Govinda) govinda.webdnatalk@gmail.com Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] is this expected behavior for [arrayget]? (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] is this expected behavior for [arrayget]? (John Butler 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] is this expected behavior for [arrayget]? (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  4. [WebDNA] is this expected behavior for [arrayget]? (John Butler 2009)
Is anyone out there using [arrayset] or [arrayget] ?? I am starting to, but finding some un-desired behavior. There are certainly other ways of accomplishing what I am doing.. but I thought it would be fun to learn webdna's array syntax. I would love to rely on this and learn it well while developing, but I am under enough time pressure to want to avoid being the lone scout in this territory. Thus my question.. Has anyone spent much time with webdna arrays? What did you find.. Work as expected? Or what are the issues? Here is an example of one issues I am finding. (I hope it is just due to my own misunderstanding, and not webdna source-code bugs/ features! ;-) this code: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [arrayset name=ReqdFormVars&dim=12] (1 )= UserID &(2 )= EnterPassword &(3)=ReEnterPassword&(4)=FirstName&(5)=LastName&(6)=Address[!]  [/!]&(7 )= City &(8 )= State &(9)=PostalCodeZip&(10)=Country&(11)=PhoneNumber&(12)=EMailAddress[/ arrayset] [ArrayGet name=ReqdFormVars] [loop start=1&end=[DimSize_1]&advance=1] [index]-([index])=([index]),[interpret][([index])][/interpret].[!] [/!][text show=F]testvar[index]=([index])[/text][!] [/!][/loop] [/ArrayGet] testvar1=[testvar1] testvar1=[interpret][[testvar1]][/interpret] testvar12=[testvar12] testvar12=[interpret][[testvar12]][/interpret] UserID=[UserID] EMailAddress=[EMailAddress] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- returns: ========================================================= 1-UserID=UserID,[UserID]. 2-EnterPassword=EnterPassword,[EnterPassword]. 3-ReEnterPassword=ReEnterPassword,[ReEnterPassword]. 4-FirstName=FirstName,[FirstName]. 5-LastName=LastName,[LastName]. 6-Address=Address,[Address]. 7-City=City,[City]. 8-State=State,[State]. 9-PostalCodeZip=PostalCodeZip,[PostalCodeZip]. 10-Country=Country,[Country]. 11-PhoneNumber=PhoneNumber,[PhoneNumber]. 12-EMailAddress=EMailAddress,[EMailAddress]. testvar1=(1) testvar1=[(1)] testvar12=(12) testvar12=[(12)] UserID=thisIsATestUser EMailAddress=thisIsATestEmail ========================================================= Why does (1) not evaluate to "UserID" when *inside* the [text] context which is inside the [arrayget], like it does when *outside* the [text]? Why does [interpret] not work inside the [arrayget]? (Note, in case it affect the source code debugging (if we call this a bug), then note that all this code is inside a square-bracket include which I call with (from an XML syntax page.) Those last 2 incoming formvars ([UserID] and [EMailAddress]) are evaluating correctly. but I want their values *inside the [arrayget]*, so I can validate the user input, etc. I know I can validate user input so many other ways.. but that is not the point. I wanted to get another webdna context up to speed in my arsenal. What is the use of arrays if we can't do stuff inside them?! Not to sound complainey; ..just making sure I know what I am working with. Anyone have any experience with webdna arrays worth mentioning? ...and/or can you see something I am not thinking right? ------------ John Butler (Govinda) govinda.webdnatalk@gmail.com John Butler


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