Re: [WebDNA] Windows WebDNA Editor

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numero = 103258
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texte = I use Notepad++ for all of my web development needs. I loved Homesite=20 because of the code folding. The only thing it doesn't have is built-in F= TP. Michael A. DeLorenzo wrote: > > To further Christophe=92s earlier post=85=85. We know BBedit and CODA w= ork=20 > well for editing WebDNA on OSX. > > What are most of you on Windows machines using? > > I have been using HomeSite for over 10 years and it was recently=20 > discontinued as of May this year. I=92ll miss it but I guess I=92ll=20 > eventually be moving over to using DreamWeaver. > > I=92ve played with it over the last few years but was wondering if=20 > anyone had an opinion on something better? > > Michael > Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. RE: [WebDNA] Windows WebDNA Editor ("Olin Lagon" 2009)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Windows WebDNA Editor (Bob Minor 2009)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Windows WebDNA Editor (Matthew Bohne 2009)
  4. [WebDNA] Windows WebDNA Editor ("Michael A. DeLorenzo" 2009)
I use Notepad++ for all of my web development needs. I loved Homesite=20 because of the code folding. The only thing it doesn't have is built-in F= TP. Michael A. DeLorenzo wrote: > > To further Christophe=92s earlier post=85=85. We know BBedit and CODA w= ork=20 > well for editing WebDNA on OSX. > > What are most of you on Windows machines using? > > I have been using HomeSite for over 10 years and it was recently=20 > discontinued as of May this year. I=92ll miss it but I guess I=92ll=20 > eventually be moving over to using DreamWeaver. > > I=92ve played with it over the last few years but was wondering if=20 > anyone had an opinion on something better? > > Michael > Matthew Bohne


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