[RESOLVED, I THINK] -- Re: [WebDNA] [append] does not add the newline char at the end of the new record?! (which can causes subsequent [search] to fail.)

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numero = 103363
interpreted = N
texte = I appreciate everyone's responses.. the little bits of awareness that each contributed led me (I think) to what I was doing wrong. (And I tried to maintain that attitude that is was me, as I probed, to suss out exactly what was the issue, ...plus as Chris said we should all have been having real problems for a long time if [append] was not working properly. I am not sure, but I think the issue does seem to have something to do with the way CR/LF are displaying in Fetch/BBedit. Here is what I was doing: 1) [append] a record. 2) I flush all db's so I know the ram copy is on the disk. 3) decide I am done with that (test) record, so I open the mydb.db file directly from within Fetch (mac ftp client) which causes it to actually open in BBedit. 4) I select that last record, and hit the delete key.. then command-S (saves it back on the remote host), command-W closes the file on my end, and I thought all was well. 5) then I do a [search] for the record which is now the current last record in that db. WebDNA does not find it... when I know it should 6) I open the db file again with fetch/Bbedit and see there is no newline char at the end of the last record. 7) confirm the phenom, .. sweat, ... complain to list.. Now what I think I discovered is that: -the only time the [search] fails is when I search for the record which is immediately above the record I just deleted *manually* (as per the above description). -It seems like somehow that last CR/LF char is just not displaying when I open the db file remotely (as per the above description).. and then when I save it back to disk it actually does lose the char. I am not sure about anything here.. but now I can only reproduce the problem if I do as I describe above, so for now i am just not doing that ;-) -G Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

I appreciate everyone's responses.. the little bits of awareness that each contributed led me (I think) to what I was doing wrong. (And I tried to maintain that attitude that is was me, as I probed, to suss out exactly what was the issue, ...plus as Chris said we should all have been having real problems for a long time if [append] was not working properly. I am not sure, but I think the issue does seem to have something to do with the way CR/LF are displaying in Fetch/BBedit. Here is what I was doing: 1) [append] a record. 2) I flush all db's so I know the ram copy is on the disk. 3) decide I am done with that (test) record, so I open the mydb.db file directly from within Fetch (mac ftp client) which causes it to actually open in BBedit. 4) I select that last record, and hit the delete key.. then command-S (saves it back on the remote host), command-W closes the file on my end, and I thought all was well. 5) then I do a [search] for the record which is now the current last record in that db. WebDNA does not find it... when I know it should 6) I open the db file again with fetch/Bbedit and see there is no newline char at the end of the last record. 7) confirm the phenom, .. sweat, ... complain to list.. Now what I think I discovered is that: -the only time the [search] fails is when I search for the record which is immediately above the record I just deleted *manually* (as per the above description). -It seems like somehow that last CR/LF char is just not displaying when I open the db file remotely (as per the above description).. and then when I save it back to disk it actually does lose the char. I am not sure about anything here.. but now I can only reproduce the problem if I do as I describe above, so for now i am just not doing that ;-) -G John Butler


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