Re: [WebDNA] Installation Instructions Win 2008 Web Edition IIS 7.5

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numero = 103465
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texte = Terry Nair wrote: > Hi all, > > > > Need some help and info here. My first foray into 2008 Server Web > Edition. All along, it was 2003 …no problems. Looking high, looking low, > checking WebDNA manuals, even those online at WSC ….nothing about 2008 > Server and IIS 7.0 or better. > > > > You see, I am getting 2 servers …one HP Proliant for development and the > other is a dedicated box at an ISP. Both comes with Windows 2008 Server > editions and no one is giving me 2003 anymore …at least at this part of > the world. Need to install WebDNA on both Windows 2008 Server Web > Edition as well as Standard Edition. Both versions comes with the latest > IIS 7.5 build. > > > > WebDNA on 2003 installs up to IIS 6, no problems and the online > instructions on it is great. But nothing on IIS 7. Incidentally, CICADA > WebDNA states only up to IIS 5. I need to have the detailed installation > guide on the steps to installing WebDNA on 2008 Web and Standard > edition. Anyone knows where I can find it? Is it doable in the first place? > > > > Anyone with experience on 2008 and WebDNA installation? Show of hands > for folks running WebDNA on 2008 Web Edition …the same goes for Standard > Edition. Any hints, tips …gremlins to avoid …hate to have to learn > things the hard way ….please help if you can folks. > > > > Cheers Terry Nair Hi Terry, CICADA does not have native support for IIS7x, as the standard architecture was changed which requires a rewrite of our module. Support for the new architecture will most likely be in the next release of WebDNA. (no dates at this time) However, having said that, there is a method to get it running by installing ISAPI support. Start here: Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Installation Instructions Win 2008 Web Edition IIS 7.5 (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  2. [WebDNA] Installation Instructions Win 2008 Web Edition IIS 7.5 ("Terry Nair" 2009)
Terry Nair wrote: > Hi all, > > > > Need some help and info here. My first foray into 2008 Server Web > Edition. All along, it was 2003 …no problems. Looking high, looking low, > checking WebDNA manuals, even those online at WSC ….nothing about 2008 > Server and IIS 7.0 or better. > > > > You see, I am getting 2 servers …one HP Proliant for development and the > other is a dedicated box at an ISP. Both comes with Windows 2008 Server > editions and no one is giving me 2003 anymore …at least at this part of > the world. Need to install WebDNA on both Windows 2008 Server Web > Edition as well as Standard Edition. Both versions comes with the latest > IIS 7.5 build. > > > > WebDNA on 2003 installs up to IIS 6, no problems and the online > instructions on it is great. But nothing on IIS 7. Incidentally, CICADA > WebDNA states only up to IIS 5. I need to have the detailed installation > guide on the steps to installing WebDNA on 2008 Web and Standard > edition. Anyone knows where I can find it? Is it doable in the first place? > > > > Anyone with experience on 2008 and WebDNA installation? Show of hands > for folks running WebDNA on 2008 Web Edition …the same goes for Standard > Edition. Any hints, tips …gremlins to avoid …hate to have to learn > things the hard way ….please help if you can folks. > > > > Cheers Terry Nair Hi Terry, CICADA does not have native support for IIS7x, as the standard architecture was changed which requires a rewrite of our module. Support for the new architecture will most likely be in the next release of WebDNA. (no dates at this time) However, having said that, there is a method to get it running by installing ISAPI support. Start here: Donovan -- Donovan Brooke WebDNA Software Corporation **[Square Bracket Utopia]** Donovan Brooke


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