WebCat2b12plugin - [search] is broken ... not!

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numero = 10411
interpreted = N
texte = Hi Grant,For some reason, embedded [search] contexts don't work now, but searching from forms and URL's still work fine. Was there a change in b12 that could have caused this? Or b11? I went from b10 to b12 and the search contexts are being displayed on the results form instead of being interprete ...Wait a minute, I seem to remember the default pref in version b12 for InterpretAll is set to F instead of T ...Okay, that's it, I found it!Everyone, please remember to set your WebCatalog InterpretAll preference to T if you have embedded [search] contexts or else they won't work ... :)Sincerely, Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to macjordomo@smithmicro.com with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat2b12plugin - [search] is broken ... not! (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. WebCat2b12plugin - [search] is broken ... not! (Kenneth Grome 1997)
Hi Grant,For some reason, embedded [search] contexts don't work now, but searching from forms and URL's still work fine. Was there a change in b12 that could have caused this? Or b11? I went from b10 to b12 and the search contexts are being displayed on the results form instead of being interprete ...Wait a minute, I seem to remember the default pref in version b12 for InterpretAll is set to F instead of T ...Okay, that's it, I found it!Everyone, please remember to set your WebCatalog InterpretAll preference to T if you have embedded [search] contexts or else they won't work ... :)Sincerely, Ken ------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to macjordomo@smithmicro.com with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Kenneth Grome


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