This list needs a digest: rant, rave...

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numero = 10431
interpreted = N
texte = >>Off subject- I have subscribed to WabCat-talk list as digest. Is the >>digest compiled and sent out daily or when a certain Qty. of posts are >>received? I thought I had posted twice but have not seen the digest yet. > >Sorry, we don't support digest. It's MacjorDomo.Pleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee!!!!! You're a big company! Invest $295 in Fog City's LetterRip. It will save us all from the listserve email hell we're in now. ;-)Seriously, I've considered dropping from this list more than once. Like this morning when I came in and had ~30 emails, most of them were re:Bug Report, maybe. Nothing against that. It's what the list is for. But that's what a digest is for. I would then only have one message waiting. What keeps me here is Grant's awesome tech support. I'm willing to wade through all the email for that. Keep up the good work. Sorry about the ranting.--BenPS. Not to offer only complaints and no solution, if Pacific Coast would be willing to help defray the cost of a license for LetterRip, I'd be willing to host it here at WebWright.WebWright, Inc. Make a Presence. (409) 268-3022------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: This list needs a digest: rant, rave... (Ben Finklea 1997)
  2. This list needs a digest: rant, rave... (Ben Finklea 1997)
>>Off subject- I have subscribed to WabCat-Talk List as digest. Is the >>digest compiled and sent out daily or when a certain Qty. of posts are >>received? I thought I had posted twice but have not seen the digest yet. > >Sorry, we don't support digest. It's MacjorDomo.Pleeeeeaaaaaasssssseeeeee!!!!! You're a big company! Invest $295 in Fog City's LetterRip. It will save us all from the listserve email hell we're in now. ;-)Seriously, I've considered dropping from this list more than once. Like this morning when I came in and had ~30 emails, most of them were re:Bug Report, maybe. Nothing against that. It's what the list is for. But that's what a digest is for. I would then only have one message waiting. What keeps me here is Grant's awesome tech support. I'm willing to wade through all the email for that. Keep up the good work. Sorry about the ranting.--BenPS. Not to offer only complaints and no solution, if Pacific Coast would be willing to help defray the cost of a license for LetterRip, I'd be willing to host it here at WebWright.WebWright, Inc. Make a Presence. (409) 268-3022------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Ben Finklea


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