Re: WebCat2b12 Mac.acgi--[searchstring] bug

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 10474
interpreted = N
texte = John Hill wrote: > > Gil: > > The multiple same named parameter bug is fixed (and will be in the next > beta). In testing I didn't notice any crashing or anything that might cause > a crash. I'll check the code again, but I think everything has been fixed. > The next beta will have all the necessary changes.Great. I'm looking forward to it. To be more specific about the crashing I mentioned, my [shownext]...[searchstring]...[/shownext] stuff works fine when the search is built on one page and then linked to a template to display the [foundItems], but when the entire search context is contained in the results template, that's when the .acgi locks up. To be even more specific, this, placed on the results template, is what locks it up:[search db=catalog.txt&max=25&astitlesort=1&eqint5datarq=2&wotext1datarq=[230],[270],[235],[250],[603],[220],[280],[285,[9005],[015],[All]&group1field=description+title+text 7&wogroup1datarq=[keyword]&group1word=ww&startAt=1]
[numFound] item(s) matching your search criteria were found.
[FoundItems] [sku]. [title]
[showif [text7]>0][text7]
[/showif] [description]
[showif [float1]>0][text9]: $[format 3.2f][float1][/format]
[/showif] [text10]: $[format 3.2f][price][/format]
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[/FoundItems] [ShowNext]Show Items [start] - [end]

[/ShowNext] [/search]-- Gil Poulsen, Webmaster************************************************************** * AltiM@c * Phone: (908) 469-2567 * * 126 Jerome Avenue * FAX: (908) 469-5823 * * South Bound Brook, NJ * e-mail: * * 08880-1111 * WWW: * ************************************************************** ------------------------------------ To leave this talk list send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebCat2b12 Mac.acgi--[searchstring] bug (Gil Poulsen 1997)
John Hill wrote: > > Gil: > > The multiple same named parameter bug is fixed (and will be in the next > beta). In testing I didn't notice any crashing or anything that might cause > a crash. I'll check the code again, but I think everything has been fixed. > The next beta will have all the necessary changes.Great. I'm looking forward to it. To be more specific about the crashing I mentioned, my [shownext]...[searchstring]...[/shownext] stuff works fine when the search is built on one page and then linked to a template to display the [founditems], but when the entire search context is contained in the results template, that's when the .acgi locks up. To be even more specific, this, placed on the results template, is what locks it up:[search db=catalog.txt&max=25&astitlesort=1&eqint5datarq=2&wotext1datarq=[230],[270],[235],[250],[603],[220],[280],[285,[9005],[015],[All]&group1field=description+title+text 7&wogroup1datarq=[keyword]&group1word=ww&startAt=1]
[numFound] item(s) matching your search criteria were found.
[founditems] [sku]. [title]
[showif [text7]>0][text7]
[/showif] [description]
[showif [float1]>0][text9]: $[format 3.2f][float1][/format]
[/showif] [text10]: $[format 3.2f][price][/format]
[cart]>Add to Order

[/FoundItems] [shownext]Show Items [start] - [end]

[/ShowNext] [/search]-- Gil Poulsen, Webmaster************************************************************** * AltiM@c * Phone: (908) 469-2567 * * 126 Jerome Avenue * FAX: (908) 469-5823 * * South Bound Brook, NJ * e-mail: * * 08880-1111 * WWW: * ************************************************************** ------------------------------------ To leave this Talk List send an email to with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Gil Poulsen


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