Re: [WebDNA] fastcgi 7+ & [cart]?

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 105496
interpreted = N
texte = > > Why not keep the old [thisurl] behavior, then add a > > new [thisurlplus] tag that contains the variables. > > This gives us the best of both worlds -- backward > > compatibility as well as a new tag to make including > > the variables easier. > > Sounds interesting. OK, we will do this. Wow, how cool is this! THANK YOU CHRIS, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! :) Sincerely, Kenneth Grome Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

> > Why not keep the old [thisurl] behavior, then add a > > new [thisurlplus] tag that contains the variables. > > This gives us the best of both worlds -- backward > > compatibility as well as a new tag to make including > > the variables easier. > > Sounds interesting. OK, we will do this. Wow, how cool is this! THANK YOU CHRIS, YOU'RE AWESOME!!! :) Sincerely, Kenneth Grome Kenneth Grome


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