[WebDNA] Optimizing for speed

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numero = 105609
interpreted = N
texte = Grant once told me that when a page has an include tag inside a showif, the webdna code in that include page is NOT parsed unless the showif evaluated to "true". This suggests that when there's a lot of webdna code that needs to be parsed, it will be faster to put that content into separate include files than to put it into the main template. For example, this is expected to be slower: [showif [var]=xxx] Lots of webdna code here ... [/showif] [showif [var]=yyy] Lots of webdna code here ... [/showif] [showif [var]=zzz] Lots of webdna code here ... [/showif] ... and this should be faster: [showif [var]=xxx] [include file=xxxCode] [/showif] [showif [var]=yyy] [include file=yyyCode] [/showif] [showif [var]=zzz] [include file=zzzCode] [/showif] My question is simple: Is this actually true, or did I misunderstand Grant's explanation from many years ago? Sincerely, Kenneth Grome Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Optimizing for speed (Govinda 2010)
  2. [WebDNA] Optimizing for speed (Kenneth Grome 2010)
Grant once told me that when a page has an include tag inside a showif, the webdna code in that include page is NOT parsed unless the showif evaluated to "true". This suggests that when there's a lot of webdna code that needs to be parsed, it will be faster to put that content into separate include files than to put it into the main template. For example, this is expected to be slower: [showif [var]=xxx] Lots of webdna code here ... [/showif] [showif [var]=yyy] Lots of webdna code here ... [/showif] [showif [var]=zzz] Lots of webdna code here ... [/showif] ... and this should be faster: [showif [var]=xxx] [include file=xxxCode] [/showif] [showif [var]=yyy] [include file=yyyCode] [/showif] [showif [var]=zzz] [include file=zzzCode] [/showif] My question is simple: Is this actually true, or did I misunderstand Grant's explanation from many years ago? Sincerely, Kenneth Grome Kenneth Grome


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