Pithy questions on webcommerce & siteedit

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numero = 10622
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texte = Webcommerce:1) Is there a way to have a white background on the error reporting page for when the users don't input all the necessary required fields specified in one of the tmpl pages? Or is this dependent on how the user has defaulted things in the browser?2) In the formulas.db is all the example formulas required? For example we wish to calculate our shipcost to be dependent on the sum of the weight of the products purchased by the customer. Can we eliminate the unitshipcost stuff altogether?3) Is there a way to test the email responses on a successful card confirmation without actually having macauthorize do its thing? Sort of a test mode in which macauthorized is stubbed out, but assumes the authorization works. Right now we disconnect the modem to have macauthorize fail to confirm, so we get the failure emails.Siteedit:1) Bug? When I tried to upload a file remotely to our server, and if the file is large (100k or more), my netscape issues repeated clicking sounds from my mac. This problem doesn't seem to occur when you do it from the server machine. The file does get uploaded just fine, but Netscape keeps doing its clicking thing until I quit it. Small files (under 30k) seem to work fine without the clicking!Thanks!Curt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | William Curt Eggemeyer Curt@mail.bzzzzzz.com | | BeeHive Technologies, Inc. | | http://www.bzzzzzz.com with a WebCam in Pasadena, California | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To leave this talk list send an email to macjordomo@smithmicro.com with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Pithy questions on webcommerce & siteedit (Gil Poulsen 1997)
  2. Re: Pithy questions on webcommerce & siteedit (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  3. Re: Pithy questions on webcommerce & siteedit (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  4. Pithy questions on webcommerce & siteedit (w curt eggemeyer 1997)
Webcommerce:1) Is there a way to have a white background on the error reporting page for when the users don't input all the necessary required fields specified in one of the tmpl pages? Or is this dependent on how the user has defaulted things in the browser?2) In the formulas.db is all the example formulas required? For example we wish to calculate our shipcost to be dependent on the sum of the weight of the products purchased by the customer. Can we eliminate the unitshipcost stuff altogether?3) Is there a way to test the email responses on a successful card confirmation without actually having macauthorize do its thing? Sort of a test mode in which macauthorized is stubbed out, but assumes the authorization works. Right now we disconnect the modem to have macauthorize fail to confirm, so we get the failure emails.Siteedit:1) Bug? When I tried to upload a file remotely to our server, and if the file is large (100k or more), my netscape issues repeated clicking sounds from my mac. This problem doesn't seem to occur when you do it from the server machine. The file does get uploaded just fine, but Netscape keeps doing its clicking thing until I quit it. Small files (under 30k) seem to work fine without the clicking!Thanks!Curt ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | William Curt Eggemeyer Curt@mail.bzzzzzz.com | | BeeHive Technologies, Inc. | | http://www.bzzzzzz.com with a WebCam in Pasadena, California | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To leave this Talk List send an email to macjordomo@smithmicro.com with BODY unsubscribe WebDNA-Talk ------------------------------------ w curt eggemeyer


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