[WebDNA] [thisautonumber] and [lastautonumber]

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numero = 106585
interpreted = N
texte = This is a multi-part message in MIME format.--------------080906010804050809010506Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowedContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitHi,Can anyone give me a sample of the syntax on how to use [thisautonumber] and/or [lastautonumber] to assign it to a text or math variable? I want to [append] to a db using "autonumber" and then use that same autonumber within a replace further down my template.All I found in the online documentation was this:You can use [thisautonumber] tag from within an [append] or [replace] context, to retrieve the current auto-generated number (if the AUTONUMBER parameter was used).Is the code below safe to use with a heavily appended database?[append db=../../data/sku.db Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] [thisautonumber] and [lastautonumber] (Steve Raslevich -Northern Sound 2011)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] [thisautonumber] and [lastautonumber] (Brian Fries 2011)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] [thisautonumber] and [lastautonumber] (Steve Raslevich - Northern Sound 2011)
  4. Re: [WebDNA] [thisautonumber] and [lastautonumber] (Aaron Michael Kaczmarek 2011)
  5. [WebDNA] [thisautonumber] and [lastautonumber] (Steve Raslevich -Northern Sound 2011)
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.--------------080906010804050809010506Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowedContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bitHi,Can anyone give me a sample of the syntax on how to use [thisautonumber] and/or [lastautonumber] to assign it to a text or math variable? I want to [append] to a db using "autonumber" and then use that same autonumber within a replace further down my template.All I found in the online documentation was this:You can use [thisautonumber] tag from within an [append] or [replace] context, to retrieve the current auto-generated number (if the AUTONUMBER parameter was used).Is the code below safe to use with a heavily appended database?[append db=../../data/sku.db Steve Raslevich -Northern Sound


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