[WebDNA] How to catch an error?

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numero = 110753
interpreted = N
texte = I am using ListFiles: [ListFiles path=3D[foldername]/&name=3D[ProposedName]&exact=3DF show=3DF] [text show=3DF]nombrearchivo=3D[FileName][/text] [/ListFiles] When there is no file with the name, I get: An unknown error occurred: FileNotFound 15205-013 (a proposed partial filename) I would like to either suppress the three lines (or change them to = something more useful [to me] such as a single line)=20 So the question is: Is there a way to capture error messages or suppress = them? Thanks, Francisco= Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] How to catch an error? (WebDNA 2013)
  2. [WebDNA] How to catch an error? ("Francisco A. Hirsch" 2013)
I am using ListFiles: [ListFiles path=3D[foldername]/&name=3D[ProposedName]&exact=3DF show=3DF] [text show=3DF]nombrearchivo=3D[FileName][/text] [/ListFiles] When there is no file with the name, I get: An unknown error occurred: FileNotFound 15205-013 (a proposed partial filename) I would like to either suppress the three lines (or change them to = something more useful [to me] such as a single line)=20 So the question is: Is there a way to capture error messages or suppress = them? Thanks, Francisco= "Francisco A. Hirsch"


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