[WebDNA] [suggestion]ErrorLog.txt

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 112045
interpreted = N
texte = This may have already been mentioned. Troubleshooting is one thing that = was on the list to improve, but it would be nice to have =91linenumber' = included in the error reporting. For example, here is a real error log record: 01/26/201516:37:20SHOWPAGE000.000.000.000Error: = Error: expected [/REPLACE], but found [/url] instead/pathTo.html= /var/www/html/absolute/path/to.html Here is an example of the =91ErrorTemplate=92 (in the engine directory) = that generates that error: [appendfile file=3DErrorLog.txt&secure=3DF][date] [time] [command] = [ipaddress] [errormessage] [thisurl] [sourcefile] [/appendfile] It would be nice to add a new tag called [errorlinenum] so that it could = be added to the append in the ErrorTemplate above. It could be in place = of the [command] since this is not really relevant / useful. While I=92m on the subject, the code above for date and time should = probably be [:global:date] and [:global:time]. This will keep it from = getting confused when date and time are in other scopes.. not as = important as it was (since apparently the awesome commerce tags are = being deprecated).. but if the error falls within a function, it could = be that date and time report differently than the actual date and time = of the error. (I think this was already changed in the Server product.. = the ErrorTemplate above is from the FastCGI product. Sincerely, Donovan Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [WebDNA] [suggestion]ErrorLog.txt (Donovan Brooke 2015)
This may have already been mentioned. Troubleshooting is one thing that = was on the list to improve, but it would be nice to have =91linenumber' = included in the error reporting. For example, here is a real error log record: 01/26/201516:37:20SHOWPAGE000.000.000.000Error: = Error: expected [/REPLACE], but found [/url] instead/pathTo.html= /var/www/html/absolute/path/to.html Here is an example of the =91ErrorTemplate=92 (in the engine directory) = that generates that error: [appendfile file=3DErrorLog.txt&secure=3DF][date] [time] [command] = [ipaddress] [errormessage] [thisurl] [sourcefile] [/appendfile] It would be nice to add a new tag called [errorlinenum] so that it could = be added to the append in the ErrorTemplate above. It could be in place = of the [command] since this is not really relevant / useful. While I=92m on the subject, the code above for date and time should = probably be [:global:date] and [:global:time]. This will keep it from = getting confused when date and time are in other scopes.. not as = important as it was (since apparently the awesome commerce tags are = being deprecated).. but if the error falls within a function, it could = be that date and time report differently than the actual date and time = of the error. (I think this was already changed in the Server product.. = the ErrorTemplate above is from the FastCGI product. Sincerely, Donovan Donovan Brooke


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