[WebDNA] BBEdit WebDNA codeless language module [correction]

This WebDNA talk-list message is from


It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 112818
interpreted = N
texte = 401 Quite some time ago I wrote a WebDNA codeless language module for = BBEdit. I have updated it for WebDNA 8.2. It can be found here: = https://github.com/fahirsch/WebDNA-BBEdit-config/blob/master/WebDNA%20Conf= iguration.plist.zip (same file as before but now zipped) Regards to all, Francisco -- Lic. Francisco A. Hirsch http://www.fiscaldemesa.com.ar --------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: archives: http://mail.webdna.us/list/talk@webdna.us Bug Reporting: support@webdna.us . Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. [WebDNA] BBEdit WebDNA codeless language module [correction] (Francisco Hirsch 2016)
401 Quite some time ago I wrote a WebDNA codeless language module for = BBEdit. I have updated it for WebDNA 8.2. It can be found here: = https://github.com/fahirsch/WebDNA-BBEdit-config/blob/master/WebDNA%20Conf= iguration.plist.zip (same file as before but now zipped) Regards to all, Francisco -- Lic. Francisco A. Hirsch http://www.fiscaldemesa.com.ar --------------------------------------------------------- This message is sent to you because you are subscribed to the mailing list . To unsubscribe, E-mail to: archives: http://mail.webdna.us/list/talk@webdna.us Bug Reporting: support@webdna.us . Francisco Hirsch


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