Apple event reply error (-1)

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numero = 15208
interpreted = N
texte = Clean install of WebTen 1.1.1 using .acgi and clean install of WebCatalog 2.0.1 files with 2.1b3 .acgi. System 8 on 7200/90 4OM /Virtual 56M. No other applications or 3rd party extensions.Tea Room example:$add?db=TeaRoom.db&s ku=10001&cart=296347034763Netscape returns: An unknown error occurred: OrderNotCreatedWebTen Log shows: [Thu Nov 27 10:10:16 1997] access to /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/WebCatalog.acgi failed for, reason: Apple event reply error (-1) This works the same from multiple clients and Netscape 3 and 4. Thanks, Mick Matousek-- Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Apple event reply error (-1) (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  2. Apple event reply error (-1) (Mick Matousek 1997)
  3. Re: Apple event reply error (-1) (Mick Matousek 1997)
Clean install of WebTen 1.1.1 using .acgi and clean install of WebCatalog 2.0.1 files with 2.1b3 .acgi. System 8 on 7200/90 4OM /Virtual 56M. No other applications or 3rd party extensions.Tea Room example:$add?db=TeaRoom.db&s ku=10001&cart=296347034763Netscape returns: An unknown error occurred: OrderNotCreatedWebTen Log shows: [Thu Nov 27 10:10:16 1997] access to /usr/local/etc/httpd/cgi-bin/WebCatalog.acgi failed for, reason: Apple event reply error (-1) This works the same from multiple clients and Netscape 3 and 4. Thanks, Mick Matousek-- Mick Matousek


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