BadSuffix with 2.1b3 cgi

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It keeps the original formatting.
numero = 15250
interpreted = N
texte = I have been running the 2.0 CGI happily for a while, with .tmpl and .html mapped to WEBCATCGI. I just replaced the CGI with 2.1b3, now suddenly all html pages return an unknown error occurred: BadSuffix. The .tmpl pages serve up fine.Anyone have any ideas?Regards ThomasThomas Wedderburn-Bisshop | Phone +61 2 9746 0700 Development Manager | FAX +61 2 9751 6941 Woomera Net Solutions | Sydney, Australia | Launching Internet Business Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: BadSuffix with 2.1b3 cgi (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. BadSuffix with 2.1b3 cgi (Thomas Wedderburn-Bisshop 1997)
I have been running the 2.0 CGI happily for a while, with .tmpl and .html mapped to WEBCATCGI. I just replaced the CGI with 2.1b3, now suddenly all html pages return an unknown error occurred: BadSuffix. The .tmpl pages serve up fine.Anyone have any ideas?Regards ThomasThomas Wedderburn-Bisshop | Phone +61 2 9746 0700 Development Manager | FAX +61 2 9751 6941 Woomera Net Solutions | Sydney, Australia | Launching Internet Business Thomas Wedderburn-Bisshop


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