Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible

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numero = 15823
interpreted = N
texte = >Hi Kenneth! >I think you are missing my point. Specifically, I want my customer to be >able to add and delete dealers as needed from a database that protects info >in the web site. I don't want my customer to be able to modify any other >user accounts outside of their domain, nor do I really want to give them >access to the admin group. Tha't why I think a subusers.db for a given >website would be a good solution, don't you?No Brian, sorry, but I think the problem here is that you're not understanding how the Users.db works with [protect] tags. You can create any number of different groups of users in that db, and you can decide which specific users get access to which pages ... based on the groups they belong to.There's no reason you should let anyone belong to the ADMIN group except administrators ... but that dowsn't mean you can't create any number of sub-administration groups, each with its own access levels and security preferences.And instead of only using [protect admin] in your pages, you *could* be using tags like [protect admin,subadmin,members,vendors] or [protect admin,client1] for example.In other words, anything you think you need a subusers.db for, you can do with the users.db. It may not be obvious until you spend more timethinking about it and using it and learning how powerful the users.db is, but once you understand it, you'll see what I mean ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  2. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  3. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Gil Poulsen 1997)
  4. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  5. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Brian B. Burton 1997)
  6. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Brian B. Burton 1997)
  7. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  8. Re: Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (John Hill 1997)
  9. Multiple 'Users.db' files not possible (Kenneth Grome 1997)
>Hi Kenneth! >I think you are missing my point. Specifically, I want my customer to be >able to add and delete dealers as needed from a database that protects info >in the web site. I don't want my customer to be able to modify any other >user accounts outside of their domain, nor do I really want to give them >access to the admin group. Tha't why I think a subusers.db for a given >website would be a good solution, don't you?No Brian, sorry, but I think the problem here is that you're not understanding how the Users.db works with [protect] tags. You can create any number of different groups of users in that db, and you can decide which specific users get access to which pages ... based on the groups they belong to.There's no reason you should let anyone belong to the ADMIN group except administrators ... but that dowsn't mean you can't create any number of sub-administration groups, each with its own access levels and security preferences.And instead of only using [protect admin] in your pages, you *could* be using tags like [protect admin,subadmin,members,vendors] or [protect admin,client1] for example.In other words, anything you think you need a subusers.db for, you can do with the users.db. It may not be obvious until you spend more timethinking about it and using it and learning how powerful the users.db is, but once you understand it, you'll see what I mean ... :)Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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