Re: Wrapping text

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numero = 17404
interpreted = N
texte = May I make a simple suggestion? I ran into this a lot on a site or two. Use invisable tables on your display page, adjust them to how much space on the page they will use, (ie 50%, 80% or 99%, (why 99%?? it gives a nice margin)), and the text will wrap itself...JIM>I am trying to wrap paragraphs of text, the paragraphs could be 50 words to >200 or more words. > >Seems like a lot of extra processing when combined with several [search]'s >and other commands going on. > >Mail to: Visit my Page: http://www.web-maya.comLife IS what You Make it, so Make It GREAT! In your pondering of life, remember: 1) Life is what happens, while you are making plans! 2) Life is what happens as we walk through eternity! 3) We are all one. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Wrapping text (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  2. Re: Wrapping text (Peter Ostry 1998)
  3. Re: Wrapping text (Britt T. 1998)
  4. Re: Wrapping text (Jim V 1998)
  5. Re: Wrapping text (Peter Ostry 1998)
  6. Re: Wrapping text (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  7. Re: Wrapping text (Britt T. 1998)
  8. Re: Wrapping text (Christer Olsson 1998)
  9. Re: Wrapping text (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  10. Re: Wrapping text (Britt T. 1998)
  11. Re: Wrapping text (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  12. Re: Wrapping text (Britt T. 1998)
  13. Re: Wrapping text (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  14. Wrapping text (Britt T. 1998)
May I make a simple suggestion? I ran into this a lot on a site or two. Use invisable tables on your display page, adjust them to how much space on the page they will use, (ie 50%, 80% or 99%, (why 99%?? it gives a nice margin)), and the text will wrap itself...JIM>I am trying to wrap paragraphs of text, the paragraphs could be 50 words to >200 or more words. > >Seems like a lot of extra processing when combined with several [search]'s >and other commands going on. > >Mail to: Visit my Page: http://www.web-maya.comLife IS what You Make it, so Make It GREAT! In your pondering of life, remember: 1) Life is what happens, while you are making plans! 2) Life is what happens as we walk through eternity! 3) We are all one. Jim V


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