Re: Shared conversion under WebTen

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numero = 17755
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texte = Yes aliases work with webten, but you need also to put an alias of your webcatalog folder in the vhosts you want it accessible from (at least one), and that should take care of your problem. >WebCat uses StandardConversions.db or I can make my own database for >conversions. >Now it happens that I want a database to convert text to email (to remove >special chars). >It converts all european characters like umlauts to their ascii 127 >equivalents (ae, oe,...) > >Under WebStar I can put this conversion database into the WebCatalog >folder to use it throughout the server, for all shops. Where do I put this >db under WebTen? The WebCatalog folder is outside the accessable root and >outside the virtual hosts. I don't want to duplicate the db - will aliases >work? > > >Peter >__________________________________________ >Peter Ostry - - >Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions >Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria >fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21Britt T. -------------------------------------------------------- || || || -------------------------------------------------------- || World Masters - || P.O. Box 1989 || || Graphic Designs, || Lindale, TX 75771 || || Web Site Development, || Phone: (903) 882-8877 || || Web Site Hosting. || Fax: (903) 882-3110 || -------------------------------------------------------- Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Shared conversion under WebTen (Britt T. 1998)
  2. Re: Shared conversion under WebTen (Peter Ostry 1998)
  3. Re: Shared conversion under WebTen (Britt T. 1998)
  4. Re: Shared conversion under WebTen (Peter Ostry 1998)
  5. Re: Shared conversion under WebTen (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  6. Re: Shared conversion under WebTen (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  7. Shared conversion under WebTen (Peter Ostry 1998)
Yes aliases work with webten, but you need also to put an alias of your webcatalog folder in the vhosts you want it accessible from (at least one), and that should take care of your problem. >WebCat uses StandardConversions.db or I can make my own database for >conversions. >Now it happens that I want a database to convert text to email (to remove >special chars). >It converts all european characters like umlauts to their ascii 127 >equivalents (ae, oe,...) > >Under WebStar I can put this conversion database into the WebCatalog >folder to use it throughout the server, for all shops. Where do I put this >db under WebTen? The WebCatalog folder is outside the accessable root and >outside the virtual hosts. I don't want to duplicate the db - will aliases >work? > > >Peter >__________________________________________ >Peter Ostry - - >Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions >Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria >fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21Britt T. -------------------------------------------------------- || || || -------------------------------------------------------- || World Masters - || P.O. Box 1989 || || Graphic Designs, || Lindale, TX 75771 || || Web Site Development, || Phone: (903) 882-8877 || || Web Site Hosting. || Fax: (903) 882-3110 || -------------------------------------------------------- Britt T.


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