Re: Refering page

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numero = 18000
interpreted = N
texte = At 17:10 Uhr 01.06.1998, Steve Rosenbaum wrote: >In most situations, I prefer to use this javascript in lieu of [referer] >...That requires JavaScript on in the browser, otherwise it does nothing.And there are other circumstances to think about: [referer] only works if you _link_ to a page, not after a POST, not when the user types the url manually and not via a bookmark. WebCat and all similar programs get these kind of information from the webserver (I think so). Of course, with POST you might deliver the url in a hidden field, but if you want a more reliable dynamic backbutton you can look wether there is a referer - and in case there is none, write an adequate universal backlink. Peter__________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Refering page (Bill Heissenbuttel 1998)
  2. Re: Refering page (Peter Ostry 1998)
  3. Re: Refering page (bob 1998)
  4. Re: Refering page (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  5. Re: Refering page (Steve Rosenbaum 1998)
  6. Re: Refering page (Gary Richter 1998)
  7. Re: Refering page (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  8. Refering page (greg 1998)
  9. Re: Refering page (Rob Marquardt 1998)
  10. Re: Refering page (Rob Marquardt 1998)
At 17:10 Uhr 01.06.1998, Steve Rosenbaum wrote: >In most situations, I prefer to use this javascript in lieu of [referer] >...That requires JavaScript on in the browser, otherwise it does nothing.And there are other circumstances to think about: [referer] only works if you _link_ to a page, not after a POST, not when the user types the url manually and not via a bookmark. WebCat and all similar programs get these kind of information from the webserver (I think so). Of course, with POST you might deliver the url in a hidden field, but if you want a more reliable dynamic backbutton you can look wether there is a referer - and in case there is none, write an adequate universal backlink. Peter__________________________________________ Peter Ostry - - Ostry & Partner - Ostry Internet Solutions Auhofstrasse 29 A-1130 Vienna Austria fon ++43-1-8777454 fax ++43-1-8777454-21 Peter Ostry


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