AOL and webcat

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numero = 18103
interpreted = N
texte = The searchable mailing list archive is being updated so I can not search this topic. And I think I have read in the past issues regarding this. If you have a search template that is very active and popular via AOL users. AOL can cache the template on their server and mess up a search page.True or False?If True you correct by putting in a meta tag that aol sees to prevent the page from being stored at their end....Yes No?I have several AOL users that all of a sudden in the last 24 hours say one of my templates is broken, yet using my netcom or earthlink dial up account it works just like it should.The template in question is getting wacked harder then I ever expected and I never paid any attention to the aol, cache, poxy issues before becuase I never thought it would apply to me, if I understand the issue correctly.=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: AOL and webcat (Gary Richter 1998)
  2. Re: AOL and webcat (Dave MacLeay 1998)
  3. Re: AOL and webcat (Sandra L. Pitner 1998)
  4. AOL and webcat (Gary Richter 1998)
The searchable mailing list archive is being updated so I can not search this topic. And I think I have read in the past issues regarding this. If you have a search template that is very active and popular via AOL users. AOL can cache the template on their server and mess up a search page.True or False?If True you correct by putting in a meta tag that aol sees to prevent the page from being stored at their end....Yes No?I have several AOL users that all of a sudden in the last 24 hours say one of my templates is broken, yet using my netcom or earthlink dial up account it works just like it should.The template in question is getting wacked harder then I ever expected and I never paid any attention to the aol, cache, poxy issues before becuase I never thought it would apply to me, if I understand the issue correctly.=============================================== Gary Richter PanaVise Products, Inc. 7540 Colbert Dr. Reno, Nevada 89511 Ph: 702.850.2900 Fx: 702.850.2929 Email: =============================================== Gary Richter


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