Re: nesting limits?

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numero = 19125
interpreted = N
texte = >>How many nested contexts can I have before being forced to use [interpret] >>to get WebCat to do the right thing? > >The use of [interpret] in this sentence does not make sense. In fact, >using [interpret] would cause even more nesting to occur.Okay, then I should reword my question ...Which situations require using the [interpret] context to get WebCat to do the right thing? I've run into limitations in the CGI that prevent WebCat from interpreting all the tags it sees *unless* I use an [interpret] context ... and I don't know if there's some undocumented rule describing which situations require this, or if it happens to depend on how many nested contexts exist in a particular situation.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: nesting limits? (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  2. Re: nesting limits? (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  3. Re: nesting limits? (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  4. Re: nesting limits? (Jay Van Vark 1998)
  5. Re: nesting limits? (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  6. Re: nesting limits? (Dave MacLeay 1998)
  7. Re: nesting limits? (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  8. Re: nesting limits? (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  9. Re: nesting limits? (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  10. nesting limits? (Kenneth Grome 1998)
>>How many nested contexts can I have before being forced to use [interpret] >>to get WebCat to do the right thing? > >The use of [interpret] in this sentence does not make sense. In fact, >using [interpret] would cause even more nesting to occur.Okay, then I should reword my question ...Which situations require using the [interpret] context to get WebCat to do the right thing? I've run into limitations in the CGI that prevent WebCat from interpreting all the tags it sees *unless* I use an [interpret] context ... and I don't know if there's some undocumented rule describing which situations require this, or if it happens to depend on how many nested contexts exist in a particular situation.Sincerely, Ken Grome 808-737-6499 WebDNA Solutions Kenneth Grome


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