WebMerchant Integration with Verifone's vPOS

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numero = 19424
interpreted = N
texte = Hi folks,Has anyone setup WebMerchant to process cards with Verifone's vPOS system? vPOS is kind of neat in that it actually processes over the Internet whereas Cybercash does not (yet).My client's Bank of America rep told me that if we don't use Verifone (and use Cybercash instead), we will have to pay additional transactions fees for using a third-party network.Verifone techs told me the integration with WebCat could be done - I just need to write some scripts in C++ or PERL. Steve ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Rosenbaum Pop Art L.L.C. http://pop-art.com steve@pop-art.com Networks / Databases / Multimedia7000 SW Hampton St., Suite 124, tel: (503) 968.5957 Tigard, OR 97223-8361 fax: (503) 620.8487 Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: WebMerchant Integration with Verifone's vPOS (Grant Hulbert 1998)
  2. WebMerchant Integration with Verifone's vPOS (Steve Rosenbaum 1998)
Hi folks,Has anyone setup WebMerchant to process cards with Verifone's vPOS system? vPOS is kind of neat in that it actually processes over the Internet whereas Cybercash does not (yet).My client's Bank of America rep told me that if we don't use Verifone (and use Cybercash instead), we will have to pay additional transactions fees for using a third-party network.Verifone techs told me the integration with WebCat could be done - I just need to write some scripts in C++ or PERL. Steve ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Rosenbaum Pop Art L.L.C. http://pop-art.com steve@pop-art.com Networks / Databases / Multimedia7000 SW Hampton St., Suite 124, tel: (503) 968.5957 Tigard, OR 97223-8361 fax: (503) 620.8487 Steve Rosenbaum


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