RE: Renaming textA

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numero = 19789
interpreted = N
texte = >>The best way to handle this is to not make it a required field. Then on >>the next page, check for a value and bounce back to a fixit page if not >>filled in correctly, using redirect commands. > >Yes, and you would use some of the following WebDNA to accomplish that: > >[ShowIf [textA]=] >

Please fill in the Logo field on the previous page

>[/ShowIf] > >[HideIf [textA]=] >...the rest of your page here... >[/HideIf] > >I'll try this but I think I might have a problem. I'm adding the >product to my shopping cart when I go to the next page. I suspect >that the product will be added to the cart multiple times (with an >without the logo info) if I have the user go back and add the missing >info. Am I right? Any suggestions? > >Dick Kirsner >Competitive Edge, Inc. > Use the redirect command:[ShowIf [textA]=] [redirect productinfo.tplp&error=logo] [/ShowIf][ShowIf [error]=logo]

Please fill in the Logo field on this page

[/ShowIf] Use the redirect before the add to the cart and you won't have to worry about it being added twice. This works if you are using a context [addlineitem] instead of the add command in the URL.I use this is for items such as cables or software that need options specified.Good luck!Sandy Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Renaming TextA (Sandra L. Pitner 1998)
  2. Re: Renaming TextA (Richard Kirsner 1998)
  3. Re: Renaming textA (Brian B. Burton 1998)
  4. RE: Renaming textA (Sandra L. Pitner 1998)
  5. RE: Renaming textA (Richard Kirsner 1998)
  6. Re: Renaming textA (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  7. Re: Renaming textA (Sandra L. Pitner 1998)
>>The best way to handle this is to not make it a required field. Then on >>the next page, check for a value and bounce back to a fixit page if not >>filled in correctly, using redirect commands. > >Yes, and you would use some of the following WebDNA to accomplish that: > >[ShowIf [textA]=] >

Please fill in the Logo field on the previous page

>[/ShowIf] > >[HideIf [textA]=] >...the rest of your page here... >[/HideIf] > >I'll try this but I think I might have a problem. I'm adding the >product to my shopping cart when I go to the next page. I suspect >that the product will be added to the cart multiple times (with an >without the logo info) if I have the user go back and add the missing >info. Am I right? Any suggestions? > >Dick Kirsner >Competitive Edge, Inc. > Use the redirect command:[ShowIf [textA]=] [redirect productinfo.tplp&error=logo] [/ShowIf][ShowIf [error]=logo]

Please fill in the Logo field on this page

[/ShowIf] Use the redirect before the add to the cart and you won't have to worry about it being added twice. This works if you are using a context [addlineitem] instead of the add command in the URL.I use this is for items such as cables or software that need options specified.Good luck!Sandy Sandra L. Pitner


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