WriteFile Command

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numero = 19831
interpreted = N
texte = I need help with the WriteFile command. Here is what I need to have happen:The site user types or copies text into a text area, in a form. I need that text area written to a file based off the SKU# (i.e. [sku].txt) so that it can be displayed in a search later on.I can do this on a seprate .tpl if needed.Has anyone out there done this?JimMail to: jv1@web-maya.com Visit my Page: http://www.web-maya.com1) Life is what happens, while you are making plans! 2) Life is what happens as we walk through eternity! 3) We are all one. Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. WriteFile Command (Jim V 1998)
I need help with the WriteFile command. Here is what I need to have happen:The site user types or copies text into a text area, in a form. I need that text area written to a file based off the SKU# (i.e. [sku].txt) so that it can be displayed in a search later on.I can do this on a seprate .tpl if needed.Has anyone out there done this?JimMail to: jv1@web-maya.com Visit my Page: http://www.web-maya.com1) Life is what happens, while you are making plans! 2) Life is what happens as we walk through eternity! 3) We are all one. Jim V


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