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numero = 19963
interpreted = N
texte = >We would like our customers to read a review on the product(s) they have >searched. Can WebCat automate link/anchor the search result(s) item to >the product review (.html page) prior to adding the item to the cart.Just put a field in your database that contains the text of the URL you want them to link to. Or if you consistently name your review pages (the same as the sku, for instance), you can use something like [sku].htmlTechnical Support | ==== eCommerce and Beyond ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: [WebDNA] Unexpected search results (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  2. Re: [WebDNA] Unexpected search results (Diane Blackmore 2014)
  3. Re: [WebDNA] Unexpected search results (Donovan Brooke 2014)
  4. [WebDNA] Unexpected search results (Diane Blackmore 2014)
  5. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (Chris Wilkinson 2009)
  6. RE: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] ("Olin Lagon" 2009)
  7. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  8. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (Donovan Brooke 2009)
  9. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (William DeVaul 2009)
  10. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  11. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  12. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (Chris Wilkinson 2009)
  13. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (Chris Wilkinson 2009)
  14. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] (William DeVaul 2009)
  15. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  16. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] ("Dan Strong" 2009)
  17. Re: [WebDNA] Styling search results [using css] ("" 2009)
  18. RE: [WebDNA] Styling search results ("Michael A. DeLorenzo" 2009)
  19. [WebDNA] Styling search results ("" 2009)
  20. Re: WebDNA Search Results ... Upper Limit? ( 2006)
  21. WebDNA Search Results ... Upper Limit? ( Ki Song 2006)
  22. Re: OT: Google image search results ( 2004)
  23. Re: Google image search results ( "Sal D'Anna" 2004)
  24. Re: OT: Google image search results ( Donovan Brooke 2004)
  25. OT: Google image search results ( Colin Sidwell 2004)
  26. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  27. Re: Strange Search Results ( "Erol Guneri" 2004)
  28. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  29. Re: Strange Search Results ( Glenn Busbin 2004)
  30. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  31. Re: Strange Search Results ( Glenn Busbin 2004)
  32. Re: Strange Search Results ( John Peacock 2004)
  33. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  34. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  35. Re: Strange Search Results ( "WebDna @ Inkblot Media" 2004)
  36. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  37. Re: Strange Search Results ( "WebDna @ Inkblot Media" 2004)
  38. Re: Strange Search Results ( John Peacock 2004)
  39. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  40. Re: Strange Search Results ( "Gary Krockover" 2004)
  41. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  42. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  43. Re: Strange Search Results ( Kenneth Grome 2004)
  44. Re: Strange Search Results ( "Matthew C. Bohne" 2004)
  45. Re: Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  46. Strange Search Results ( Justin Carroll 2004)
  47. Re: If search results are blank... (Donovan 2003)
  48. Re: If search results are blank... (Donovan 2003)
  49. Re: If search results are blank... (Kimberly D. Walls 2003)
  50. Re: If search results are blank... (Donovan 2003)
  51. Re: If search results are blank... (Kimberly D. Walls 2003)
  52. Re: If search results are blank... (Donovan 2003)
  53. Re: If search results are blank... (Laurent Bache 2003)
  54. Re: If search results are blank... (Kimberly D. Walls 2003)
  55. Re: If search results are blank... (Tim Robinson 2003)
  56. If search results are blank... (Kimberly D. Walls 2003)
  57. Re: Search results problem (Gary Krockover 2003)
  58. Re: Search results problem (Erol Guneri 2003)
  59. Search results problem (Paul Berman 2003)
  60. Re: Ranking search results (John Peacock 2002)
  61. Re: Ranking search results (Pedro Rivera 2002)
  62. Re: Ranking search results (John Peacock 2002)
  63. Ranking search results (sally 2002)
  64. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Kenneth Grome 2002)
  65. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Gary Krockover 2002)
  66. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Brian Fries 2002)
  67. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Gary Krockover 2002)
  68. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Gary Krockover 2002)
  69. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Inkblot Media 2002)
  70. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Inkblot Media 2002)
  71. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Gary Krockover 2002)
  72. Re: Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Glenn Busbin 2002)
  73. Odd search results, or odd programmer, not sure which... (Gary Krockover 2002)
  74. Weird search results ?? (Lester Emo 2002)
  75. Re: Quickly reordering search results (Brian Fries 2001)
  76. Re: Quickly reordering search results (Kenneth Grome 2001)
  77. Quickly reordering search results (Tim Robinson 2001)
  78. Re: search results through frames (Kim Ingram 2000)
  79. Re: search results through frames (Clint Davis 2000)
  80. Re: search results through frames (Alan 2000)
  81. Re: search results through frames (Alan 2000)
  82. Re: search results through frames (Kim Ingram 2000)
  83. Re: search results through frames (Clint Davis 2000)
  84. search results through frames (Alan 2000)
  85. Re: Search results output problems.. (WebDNA Support 2000)
  86. Re: Search results output problems.. (David Anderson 2000)
  87. Re: Search results output problems.. (WebDNA Support 2000)
  88. Search results output problems.. (David Anderson 2000)
  89. Re: Looping Search Results - Duh! (WebDNA Support 2000)
  90. Re: Looping Search Results - Duh! (Glenn Busbin 2000)
  91. Looping Search Results (Glenn Busbin 2000)
  92. Re: formatting search results (Brian Boegershausen 1999)
  93. Re: formatting search results (Nitai 1999)
  94. Re: formatting search results (David Bastedo 1999)
  95. formatting search results (David Bastedo 1999)
  96. Re: This message couldn't reach the list! (multi-column layout ofsearch results) (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  97. Re: Search Results (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  98. Search Results (Wayne Morishige 1998)
  99. Re: Sorting search results (Will Starck 1998)
  100. Re: Sorting search results (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  101. Sorting search results (Will Starck 1998)
  102. Re: Help with sorting search results sorting (Will Starck 1998)
  103. Re: Help with sorting search results sorting (Gary Richter 1998)
  104. Help with sorting search results sorting (Will Starck 1998)
  105. Re: SEARCH RESULTS (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  106. SEARCH RESULTS (Ejaz Syed 1998)
  107. Re: search results not sorted with 'cl' (John Hill 1998)
  108. search results not sorted with 'cl' (Paul Willis 1998)
  109. Re: search results (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  110. search results (Chuck Wall 1998)
  111. Re: PCS search results page (Jay Van Vark 1998)
  112. RE: PCS search results page (Peter Kohl 1998)
  113. Re: PCS search results page (Kenneth Grome 1998)
  114. Re: PCS search results page (Terry Wilson 1998)
  115. Re: PCS search results page (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  116. PCS search results page (Terry Wilson 1998)
  117. Re: Javascript and Search Results (Rob Marquardt 1998)
  118. Javascript and Search Results (jimmy 1998)
  119. Javascript & Search Results (jimmy 1998)
  120. Displaying search results in a new frameset (Jeremy Pocock 1997)
  121. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  122. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  123. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  124. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Kenneth Grome 1997)
  125. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Pat McCormick 1997)
  126. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Grant Hulbert 1997)
  127. Help formatting search results w/ table (Pat McCormick 1997)
  128. Re: Help formatting search results w/ table (Pat McCormick 1997)
  129. Re: Search results templates (Alan Millar 1996)
  130. Re: Search results templates (Grant Hulbert 1996)
  131. Re: Search results templates ( 1996)
  132. Re: Search results templates ( (College Shopping Network) 1996)
  133. Search results templates (Terence Wight 1996)
>We would like our customers to read a review on the product(s) they have >searched. Can WebCat automate link/anchor the search result(s) item to >the product review (.html page) prior to adding the item to the cart.Just put a field in your database that contains the text of the URL you want them to link to. Or if you consistently name your review pages (the same as the sku, for instance), you can use something like [sku].htmlTechnical Support | ==== eCommerce and Beyond ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant, 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster, San Diego, CA 92128 | Typhoon 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | PCS Technical Support


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