Confused about QTY and QTY* price updating

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texte = Haven't heard back from, so I'll try this list.I'm a brand new user and I'm stuck on an issue. Mac OS version 2.1.3.I searched the talk database on how to get the shopping cart to update the amount for the user. Per: Grant Hulbert's post (see archived post below) it was covered in the tearoom and General Store examples. . I'm sorry but the tearoom example DOESN'T have an update button, nor does the general store, and there's nothing in my manual (2.1.3 CD came with a manual). Is my manual out of date? Could you give me a bit more of a tip on this?Also, another strange and related behavior.... clicking on the refresh button of the browser causes the general store cart example to add items on its own (and any templates derived from it), but the tearoom doesn't. I can't see the cause in the Cause?Also, why doesn't placing a number greater than one in the QTY input field cause a re-calculation for the QTY*price field?I don't know if any of this will change or is covered in version 3. I haven't received any digests for WebDNA-Talk in over a week. It seems that most of the talk is on the beta list regarding version 3 features. Since I'm brand new and just learning the program, it made since for me to work only with the release version for now, until 3.0 is released (otherwise how do I know if the problem is my code, or a bug).On a related note, since I will get the upgrade to version 3 for both catalog and merchant, will I get new manuals as well? Many thanksreg harris ---------------------- FROM WEBCATALOG Archive search....1997/10/02 06:03:10 Grant Hulbert Re: shoppingcart reload qty >How would I make a button to reload the ShoppingCart page so it can >update the quantity??The GeneralStore and TeaRoom examples show how to do this -- use a $ShowCart command in a form action, and put variables like quantity1=3, quantity2=7 into the form.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | ==== eCommerce for the Rest of Us ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster San Diego, CA 92128 | SiteGuard 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | Associated Messages, from the most recent to the oldest:

  1. Re: Confused about QTY and QTY* price updating (PCS Technical Support 1998)
  2. Confused about QTY and QTY* price updating (John Reginald Harris Jr 1998)
Haven't heard back from, so I'll try this list.I'm a brand new user and I'm stuck on an issue. Mac OS version 2.1.3.I searched the talk database on how to get the shopping cart to update the amount for the user. Per: Grant Hulbert's post (see archived post below) it was covered in the tearoom and General Store examples. . I'm sorry but the tearoom example DOESN'T have an update button, nor does the general store, and there's nothing in my manual (2.1.3 CD came with a manual). Is my manual out of date? Could you give me a bit more of a tip on this?Also, another strange and related behavior.... clicking on the refresh button of the browser causes the general store cart example to add items on its own (and any templates derived from it), but the tearoom doesn't. I can't see the cause in the Cause?Also, why doesn't placing a number greater than one in the QTY input field cause a re-calculation for the QTY*price field?I don't know if any of this will change or is covered in version 3. I haven't received any digests for WebDNA-Talk in over a week. It seems that most of the talk is on the beta list regarding version 3 features. Since I'm brand new and just learning the program, it made since for me to work only with the release version for now, until 3.0 is released (otherwise how do I know if the problem is my code, or a bug).On a related note, since I will get the upgrade to version 3 for both catalog and merchant, will I get new manuals as well? Many thanksreg harris ---------------------- FROM WEBCATALOG Archive search....1997/10/02 06:03:10 Grant Hulbert Re: shoppingcart reload qty >How would I make a button to reload the ShoppingCart page so it can >update the quantity??The GeneralStore and TeaRoom examples show how to do this -- use a $ShowCart command in a form action, and put variables like quantity1=3, quantity2=7 into the form.Grant Hulbert, V.P. Engineering | ==== eCommerce for the Rest of Us ==== Pacific Coast Software | WebCatalog, WebMerchant 11770 Bernardo Plaza Court | SiteEdit Pro, PhotoMaster San Diego, CA 92128 | SiteGuard 619/675-1106 Fax: 619/675-0372 | John Reginald Harris Jr


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